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sm2bd's Blog

That shut him up

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Ok, my H and I have been tossing around divorcing, although we haven't said the D word, recently. It all started when I told him I wanted us to have a schedule of when we would have SD12. (1. so we don't have to be on hold for when BM wants to dump the kid on us.) 2. So we can make plans for things 3. So we can have a say on when she will come and are not at the mercy of BM. ) Well, apparently that was way too much to ask and it has just caused a real stink. How dare I? So anyway, we have been going back and forth about whether we wanted to work it out.

BM's schedule change

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Our lives are scheduled around BMs work schedule. She works shift work. 3 months on night shift/3 months on day shift, etc. When she works night shift, SD12 1/2 lives with us and BM gets her a couple of nights a week (but usually it turns out to just one so she can party.) The 3 months she is on day shift she is supposed to live with her mom, but we get her at 5:45 am and after work until 6 pm, plus 2 nights a week. I HATE IT!!! I wish my DH was like every other normal ex and had her every other weekend!

I just don't understand

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I guess I AM a wicked stepmom. I see how so many of you get mad at the BM for not letting the skids come to your house. I am the opposite. I can't wait for the SD12 to LEAVE!! BM is always trying to pawn SD12 off on us (we have her right now 5 to 6 nights a week) when she has her. I absolutely LIVE for the Saturdays when SD12 is gone. She leaves and I breathe a sigh of relief! I dread going home from work cause she will be there. I dread waking up in the morning cause she is there.

off topic-need another viewpoint

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My husband has been at this job for 2 years. He works for a town and through his job became friends with one of the council members- a woman. It has grown to the point that he goes to her house for lunch, he stops her house at times for coffee before work, I know they talk continually throughout the day, she has texted him on weekends. And now they were texting back and forth last night. She is a widow, but she is on vacation right now with her family! He said she was texting him about what they were doing. Why should he care?????

I got married for this?

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I am at the end of my rope. I'm ready to throw the towel in. I can't believe that I left a comfortable home, my sons (19 and 22), peace and quiet, contentment that I raised my kids and now is my adult time, to a home that is not mine, where I am treated like the girlfriend that is spending the night, to whining and complaining in the mornings (from SD12), my rights and opinions are at the bottom of the pile, I'm expected to pick up, wash, fold, and to keep quiet about the intrusions on my time, my peace, my plans, my comfort, my things, for BM and SD12.

Unbelievable! Things will never change.

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After the coldness at home this morning, my DH sent me a text and said he just wants me to be happy. He called me a while ago and I told him that it is possible for all three of us to be happy. (me, him and SD12). I said it's gonna take some change. He asked me what I meant and I said SD12 is gonna have to get some responsibility and grow up and act her age. I told him it's not necessary for him to entertain her all the time, pick up after her, get her dressed in the mornings, start her shower water, wait on her hand and foot, etc.

My DH's new Title

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My DH's new Title is Entertainment Director. I was pissed last night cause DH acted like I was invisible. Whenever SD12 is with us (6 nights a week) she is right up under DH, getting right up in the middle of everything. WE can't have a conversation because she has to interupt and turn the conversation to her. I finally got up and went to our bedroom and got in bed on my laptop. At bedtime (a couple of hours later) he finally comes in bed wanting attention. I wasn't having it. I was still mad this morning. He said, "what am I supposed to do, make her go to her room at 6?"

Back to the grind

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Well, the break is over. DH and I had our one day break from SD12. She went to her moms yesterday and came back home a couple of hours ago. I used to dread Sundays because I had to go back to work on Monday. Now I dread Sundays because SD comes home. She got here and I got up and came to the bedroom. I resent that we only get one day of peace and quiet!! When she is here it's all about her, what she wants, how she wants it, my husband waits on her hand and foot, cleans up after her, or just lets her leave her messes.

Newbie (long)

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I am a newbie here and so relieved to have found this place! I got married 2 1/2 months ago. My husband is absolutely wonderful (as a husband). But he has a 12 1/2 (going on 6) year old daughter. She is spoiled, lazy, demanding, manipulative, clingy, selfish, jelous, etc. My husband was never married to BM. Frankly, back then,he was a manwhore (I mean this in the nicest way), your typical bachelor enjoying his bachelorness. BM pretty much stalked DH until he gave in and after several "interludes" fueled by alcohol, he insanely told her he wanted her to have his baby.