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Back to the grind

sm2bd's picture

Well, the break is over. DH and I had our one day break from SD12. She went to her moms yesterday and came back home a couple of hours ago. I used to dread Sundays because I had to go back to work on Monday. Now I dread Sundays because SD comes home. She got here and I got up and came to the bedroom. I resent that we only get one day of peace and quiet!! When she is here it's all about her, what she wants, how she wants it, my husband waits on her hand and foot, cleans up after her, or just lets her leave her messes. If she finds out we went somewhere or did something, she pitches a fit, "when are you going to take me," "why didn't I get to.....") , etc. One time she found out we grilled steak and she cried (yes, she's 12 1/2) and pitched a fit! If we do anything, my DH lies about it to protect her feelings! She is sooo jealous! We have been invited to a Christmas party and he heard him talking about it and said she wanted to go. Now my DH doesn't want to go because she might find out we went without her!

I tell him that when she is an adult she is not gonna be able to handle it unless he is there to coddle her when lifes dissappointments hit her.


stepsonhatesme's picture

Your husband isn't doing her any favors. He's not teaching her about " real life ". Bcuz in real life you don't get everything!!