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Unbelievable! Things will never change.

sm2bd's picture

After the coldness at home this morning, my DH sent me a text and said he just wants me to be happy. He called me a while ago and I told him that it is possible for all three of us to be happy. (me, him and SD12). I said it's gonna take some change. He asked me what I meant and I said SD12 is gonna have to get some responsibility and grow up and act her age. I told him it's not necessary for him to entertain her all the time, pick up after her, get her dressed in the mornings, start her shower water, wait on her hand and foot, etc. I told him I just want us to be a normal (as normal as stepfamilies can be). Well, he got all defensive and said "it's easier said than done." Then he started to act like I was being unresonable and brought up my sons-19 and 23. Yes, I have had a tough time with them, like most parents do. But I can proudly say I quit having to dress them when they were 4!!!!! And I told him "the big difference is, YOU don't have to live with MY kids!!!!!" (They live on their own in my house and we live in his house.) Then he got a big attitude and hung up on me!

If this thing doesn't work I hope I see him in 10 years so when he is still having to baby his little girl I can say "I told you so!"


StepDeux's picture

You're totally right that it's not healthy or normal! He's actually harming his daughter and not helping her. If he does EVERYTHING for her, how is she going to learn how to do anything for herself? People are so clueless!

sm2bd's picture

When we play a game, if she loses, she cries. I don't mean, tears, I mean sobs and pitching fits! So, we have to be sure we play games where my husband can cheat and let her win. So needless to say, i don't play games with her anymore. Then, we were outside and she wanted to race us. So we raced across the yard and she lost, she cried, and wanted a redo. So I quit cause I knew what was going to happen. She raced her dad and he won again. She fell to the ground and screamed crying! So her dad said they could race one more time and he let her win. Oh, and she also carries a "blankie." She doesn't go anywhere with out it. I told DH that all the above is why she doesn't have friends her age (all her friends are 6 and below.)

hbell0428's picture

I feel you on this one!! I have a SD13 and 3 bios as well; and there is just something diff with they way my DH is to her. It is weird; even his tone with her; okay sweetie; how are you sweetie - LOVE YOU! What else? How was your day honey. GIVE ME A FREAKIN BREAK. He never talks to his other kids like that; it is so fake; makes me want to puke.

I have no advice for you; I wish I did. I am having a problem myself on how to deal with this; because as of right now; we are planning on seperating (well... I am)

Nellie's picture

Do your 19 and 23 year old sons pay you rent for your house? Or just live there for free? There are lots of ways to "baby" your kids, no matter how old they are. For a 12 year old, it might be starting the shower water. For a 23 year old, it might be financially supporting them...
Just saying

sm2bd's picture

Thats a good point Nellie. I pay the mortgage and they pay the utilities. My oldest one is putting himself through college and my youngest one is about to go to boot camp. So, I'm not babying them. I am helping them while they help themselves.

Kay2's picture

Good for them, sounds like your kids are responsible young men. Your dh needs to knock off his crap with SD12, she is WAY too old to be babied like that. :sick: