Shaman29's Blog
Quick post and then I have to get back to the salt mines.
Today is DH's kid's 18 birthday.
Uberskank found the CS paperwork DH's kid had to submit to the state to continue CS throughout her senior year in HS. And confiscated it. Because she believes if she does nothing then CS will continue to go to her.
Now she's claiming she sent it in for DH's kid. We shall see.
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Taking bets........
How many of you think this unrepentant, rancid sack of shit really committed suicide? How many feel that he had some help??
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On last F off Friday comment
F off cancer, you mother f**ker. F you for spreading to the bones of my friend. F you for trying to keep her from seeing her little girl grow up. F you for slowly trying to kill her.
I just found out a friend/co-worker's cancer (that originated in her appendix and abdomen) has spread to her bones. She just 32 and has 2 year old girl and recently filed from divorce from a man who has been verbally and emotionally abusing her since before they were married.
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Another celebrity step-mom referring to skids as her "kids"
I don't know anything about these people and they didn't mention the BM. But if she is alive and well, this article is bound to piss her off.
Sigh……I am registering Uberskank as MOTY.
Sorry for the length.
Small back story. DH gave DH’s kid an iPod touch for her 17th birthday. It was one of the few things given to her that she actually took care of and treated like she bought it herself. She loved it. Enter in Uberskank around February, who demanded (give it to me or you can’t drive my car) DH’s kid loan her the iPod to use in her car. When DH’s kid gets it back at the end of the day, it’s destroyed. Uberskank promised to buy her a new one. She’s still waiting.
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OT - Anyone switch from Synthroid to Armour?
I am hypothyroid. I was doing okay on Levoxyl and then the company recalled their meds due to dosing issues. I was put on the same dose of Synthroid and holy crap.....stress went up, weight went up, hair started falling out again, insomnia, eye sight issues (focusing & sensitivity to light).
Obviously there is a dosing and a med issue here.
I have an appointment next Friday and I want to be switched to Armour. Does anyone have any experience with this? Thank you!
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OT - On my last nerve
I swear to Dog......I am on week 2 of 2-3 hours of sleep a night and I am on my last nerve. The next person that pisses me off is going to end up having their body dumped off at the nearest pig farm.
That is all.
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OT - Today is NOT the day to piss me the hell off.
Work related vent - do not mess with my reps. They are smart and well trained. If you decided to hinder their progress or keep them from helping their customers, then you risk my inner bitch coming out and crushing your soul.
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Vent - DH nut the eff up and tell Uberskank to eff off already!
For the love of dog DH.....if you are going to take her calls, then lay it out for her!!
At 13 Uberskank said she's nearly 14 and that's practically an adult. And she can make adult decisions now.
At 17, STB18, Uberskank has decided she is a kid and needs an iron hand ruling her.
Which fricking one is it already?
DH do me a fricking favor, plug your nose, close your mouth and blow out your fricking testicles so you remember you're a fricking man and NUT THE HELL UP.
Venting about DH again.....
Does anyone else have a DH that makes household and financial decisions without talking to you first??
He has done this many times this year and I'm about ready to burying him in my flower garden.
I've explained over and over, this is my house, my time and my money (I work more hours) too. How many times do I have to say "Do not make a decision that affects me, without discussing it with me."?
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