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Trying to understand

Seasons's picture

My sd15 just celebrated her BD and I found out by DH that she was going to another city on Thursday AM with DH sister I don't consider her my sil as she and BM are still the best of friends. Which basically they are both back biting well I will leave it at that... So I didn't know that DH was taking the skds away for the weekend and oh if I would like to come along I can but, if you don't go then don't take any money out of the bank account because we don't have any.... We have already purchased tickets for sd15 to go to a concert 2 weeks away but, the sil has this all planned out.. I am so tired of the sil making plans for my DH however, I am passed the point of even caring we are existing in a home together purely due to DH's financial situatation. I am tired I have asked DH to just go several times however he keeps acting link I realy mean something to him. I have no one to talk to about this my family has had it and DH is just oblivious to me which is so freakin obvious if he can just go and make plans with the sil and the sd15... DH said that I couldn't even take out 20.00 I work over 40 hours a week they live in my house which DH does help pay bills however, the dh and skds have never respected me or my home I just want to be alone...... I have other family members that I can be with and I don't feel like I need to have these roomates any longer...


donegallass's picture

so why don't you open your OWN checking account in your name? if this is your house and your...why are you being ordered around?

alwaysme's picture

I say you work, its your house, you need to find the courage to stand up for yourself, its obvious you have been worn down so much you have forgotton how, take some time out to get your inner strength back..

caregiver1127's picture

Fuck DH and take the money out of your account - throw the controlling ahole out of your house - and start putting your money in your own account. Take back your life sweetheart!!

Seasons's picture

I just don't know how to do this DH is such a great talker I am talking to my BM right now she is asking me where is my self worth and where I am it hurts her to see this and yet it hurts me because I feel so totally lost I can't stand up to DH. DH is in sales and turns everything on me always I have asked DH for seperations and so forth but, he talks me away from it... Money has always been handled by him I have an account that I am going to start putting money in I will talk with my employer.