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Rudeness is acceptable by DH

Seasons's picture

Back to bitch again SD17 I have come to realize that I can't change her behavior and attitude towards myself family and home. DH fears rejection from the skids if he calls them out on in so he says nothing it is perhaps silence is a sense of acceptance. Their are times many times the olive branch is offered only for it to catch fire. My weakness is for acceptance which is not the way the rest of my bkids don't agree they tell me that the skids are spoiled and to stop driving myself crazy with the roller coaster. So I decided to step back again and it seems that it gives the Sd17 control again but I think this is what my DH wants. So my BMom went to a local store that SD17 works at and she greats her SGMA like this "what are you doing". So then she turned walked away from the SGMA and had someone else help her. SD17 continues to stick her nose up at this non blended family DH can't dicipline for fear of rejection with no regard to the disrespect that they continuously show. So now I am going to spend time with my BMom and DH is pissed off because everyone is not invited! Now he isn't speaking to me and he was slamming doors feeling rejected hard to have pitty on him. So DH and sd17 is the happiest and really I do want everyone to be happy even if it means our joy is seperate and it challenges us to simply. No one should be given the right to steal our joy. This I know is a season of life that won't be forever. Have a wonderful day


oldone's picture

Ignore her totally.

Hopefully when she turns 18 you will have to have even less interaction with her.

My SS is an adult. I don't ban him from my home but I don't take him to any of my family holiday celebrations.

Seasons's picture

Got home skids gone DH goes to the store gets a 12pack I think he should just stay on the couch as he has been stonewalling me all day! So much for the 2013 goals being healthier! Joy!!