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I wonder how BM feels???, PLEASE RESPOND I NEED SOME ADVICE!!!

Rosedeer1's picture

Well I was able to see my SS practice soccer today because his soccer practice and my foster daughters practice was at the same time and the same field. I am wondering how BM felt at the practice I know she hates me and I do not like her either, but we have custody SS (5) and I wonder how she feels me being his mom 25 days out of the month cause she sees him 5 days out of the month. I guess I have to give her credit for coming to practice because since she moved to drive from work it is 40 min. to see him practice then an hour home for her because she chose to move an hour away. Anyway when she got there my DH and the kids were already there my Foster daughter said hi to her and said talking about me this is my mom, I said she knows who I am and BM said nothing, like usual, well SS is a bit of a baby and cried a lot during practice and DH was asking him if he wants to play and that his team needs him and to stop crying but BM was babying him like usual, so DH told his son he was going to watch our FD because she came to play soccer, so BM held her 5 year old like a baby and listened to him cry when nothing was wrong he just is a bit shy and needs to be pushed to do things, it is the best for him. Well when they came over to DH and I because SS practice was over I said to SS you need to be strong and play the other kids on your team need you, you need to toughen up and be like the transformers he likes and to play like he does when he is at home with his sister because she is tough on him and he does not cry, keep in mind our foster daughter is only 4 so she is younger than SS, but she is tough. The whole time I was telling him this BM said nothing, then she noticed sticky stuff in his hair and told him he has something in his hair I told her it was grease and it was hard to get out in the bath, again she said nothing to me, then she told my DH she thinks this was the first time their sons coach, coached soccer I said it is the first time he has ever coached trying to start conversation but again she said nothing, then when she was leaving she said bye to her son and wanted him to walk her to her car, but he said no I want to stay with daddy so she had to say her goodbye by us and then she waited for us to walk to our cars and she walked infront of us, I took SS hand because I did not want him walking in the parking lot alone and DH had daughther then we switched, DH said BM was mad but I did not notice, he said away from the kids that he knows her and she was pissed her son did not want to walk with her he wanted to stay with us, oh well of course he wants us we are his family. I just think it is funny that she hates me sooo much even after 4 years. I will say this, it is hard to watch my daughter and then look over and see her near my DH I know I am married to him and they never were but it is still hard to see it, when SS was being a baby they were both trying to take care of him and I hated seeing her near my DH, I know he hates her by him too, but it is still hard wathching those two be paretns when most of the time it is DH and I taking care of him and not her, but I try to stay back and be nice, but I am making ground I talked while she was there, I am sure it is hard for her to say bye to her son because he comes home with us to our house and she has to drive an hour away and wait until wed. to see him and then only gets him every other weekend!!! Hey at least I did not fight with my DH this time about her, I am talking it out with all of you, thanks!!!


HummingBirdHunny's picture

She may have been mad but look at it this way, she didn't talk to you. You should feel lucky! BM I deal with would have went on and on about everything little thing going wrong in her little world! Plus look at it this way. By her not saying anything she may have been trying to avoid any negative confrontations on her part for the sake of your SS and your BD. So while on one hand you feel like you were trying to be civil and she wasn't responding which it sounds like you took to be rude. She was probably trying to keep the peace. That's just my opinion though.