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Rosedeer1's picture

I know this might seem stupid to some of you but my ss and my foster daughter have practice on the same night for soccer they are ss(5) fd(4) and i am having a very hard time dealing with the fact that BM will probably be at her sons soccer practice I am not sure because she is the BM that just moved an hour away but i assume she will be there because she loves any chance to talk to my DH and see him, she is still not over him and we are married. I do not want to fight with my DH over something that is out of his control, he hates talking to her too, but he will be civil as he should it just eats me up after all she has tried to do to our family, I have had to have her arrested for threatening to kill me and then breaking an order of protection, so I obviously do not like her. I am the one who signed both of the kids up for soccer and now I feel like it was a bad idea and then I take a breath and realize he is with me he loves me and the kids should be playing soccer and then at the end of the night we can enjoy sharing what happened at each others practices, I just know that BM is going to LOVE that I am not there, she hates be more than I hate her, then she will be shocked when I show up for the next one and all the games because the games are not at the same time :)I know I am being crazy and I need to think about the kids and I always do, but those two together does bother me and I guess I just needed to vent to someone before I got in a fight with my DH, he has no idea how to handle the situation, he tells me he does not like her for all she has done to us but he is not going to be an ass infront of others and infront of his son, he does not want any fighting, and i agree, I know I should be happy because he is one of the few DH who has custody of the child!!! So of course BM should come to soccer she should come to anything where she can see her son more, she only sees him wed. for 3 hours and EOW, so about 5 days a month, if she did not come I would be shocked about that too!!!


onehappygirl's picture

The Wookie signed up my SD for soccer without the consent of DH. We share 50/50 joint custody of SD EOW. So, we would have to take SD to soccer practice on our weeks. To make it a little more bearable, I signed BD up for the same team. The Wookie didn't like that at all. So lovely to be able to see her at all the practices and games. :sick: I didn't miss one practice or one game. I was there for my girls every time. I say go. If you go alone or with DH, don't hide from BM. You are there for your kids. Stand proud, cheer loud, and ignore. If she does something stupid, you'll have witnesses.

Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!

FallingfromGrace's picture

My kids go to the same elementary that the skids attend. The youngest SS is on always on my BS's baseball team. I cant shake this woman out of my life! I hate it!

Why should I have to be uncomfortable at MY child's little league game, my childs concerts, and openhouses...etc. I feel you pain.

All I can say is be strong, and support your kids!

"God grant me the serenity accept the things I cannot change; the strength to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."

Sia's picture

dont allow her the power to run you off!

Rosedeer1's picture

Well I am going to go no matter how much I hate seeing her, it is that my foster daughter has practice the same time SS does so I know that my DH and BM will be together at SS practice and I hate that, but I like to vent on here I feel better. I should be the happy one afterall we have custody and she sees her kid 5 days a month, so I should think what ever!!!