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Well I hate to say it but I was right, LOL, My DHs lawyer told him the only reason BM gets son when there is no school is because the court knew she worked at a school and could be home with her son, but the order is not for her to get him in the summer to take him to yet another daycare person he does not know. My DH and I talked and decided to be nice and let BM know that she can pick up her son on her weekends on thursday nights instead of Friday but he needs to be home on Sunday not Monday, we are trying to make less change for him in a few months when school starts again, she said nothing, DH said she just started to cry because she knows she is full of it and does not want to go back infront of the judge that just 6 months ago, BM told she was never going to move and that she should have placement, well funny now she is moving an hour away so thank God she did not win placement, I just can not understand why she would want to put her son with a stranger an hour away from his home, when his aunt can watch him all summer, the same aunt who has wathched him since birth, to me his BM does not care about her son, only herself to want to give him yet another daycare provider the same reason she lost in court, this will be his 10th daycare when he is in her care, we always have the same person and this is her 7th home in 3 years, I can not stand how she does this to him and she blames us for all of this, she does not realize what an awful mother she is!!!!!