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reluctantgma's Blog

Electric SS Slide

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Yesterday, bf and ss13.5 returned home early in the evening. Ss couldn't work at the nearby farm last night because school started this morning. On the surface to the undiscriminating eye, it probably looked like we made progress all being in the house together at once. There was plenty of conversation given I haven't spoken to ss since last Sunday. Ss is excited to go back to school, liked a pair of new school sneakers I'd bought for him (pre-disengagement and I didn't hand them over to him, his dad did without asking me) and the pork roast supper I'd cooked.

Disengagement Pattern

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It's Day 3 since Disengagement and it feels like forever. The household seems to have settled into a relatively peaceful Disengagement Pattern. Bf usually comes home in the early-ish evening and even helped me with chores last night. Conversation is congenial, tho nothing more than chatter and small talk. SS has been helping out at a local farm and doesn't arrive home until almost bedtime. I make sure supper is prepared in the kitchen, go to my room and close the door.

Confessions of the Enabler

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The more nights bf sleeps on the couch, the more time I'm able to read the StepTalk blogs and reflect upon the past 2.5 years with bf and Baby Huey (SS13.5). How did I get here?

My story is probably no different than umpty-million others. This guy had no balls when I met him, but I thought my stubborn and martyr-like persistence would change this fact? Everything else has played out predictably, tho having never been in this situation or knowing that so many others had, I didn't know the predictable course this relationship would take.

Feel so awkward

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Everything feels so up in the air today. Bf read his note yesterday evening and didn't seem the least phased by it. Even made some friendly conversation until ss returned home and found his note. Ss was furious and stomped out to complain to his dad. First time I've ever seen daggers literally popping out of ss's eyes (he's generally plays the "ain't I so cute and wuvable?" passive aggressive type). I walked in my room and slammed the door shut, so don't know what they talked about or how it went. Bf made no further effort to converse with me and slept on the couch again last night.

Note to BF

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Dear BF,

Perhaps you and (SS) are already on your way out. I love you dearly and it's not what I really want, but if that's what is easiest for you or your choice, go for it.

I don't hate (SS) and think he has all the potential in the world. What I resent beyond words is your unwillingness to stop being his 'only best friend in the world' and BE A PARENT! In short, you need to grow a set and use them so he learns how to grow a set and use them before he's 40 years old. Or never.

Note to SS

reluctantgma's picture

Dear Xxxx,

Your arrangement of the pillows and bed say to me that you feel like you must be on top of every bit of activity that happens in this household. That's too much togetherness for someone who strongly values her privacy. The bed remains where I have put it and your head belongs at the HEAD BOARD under the window. This is a rule and I will not bend on it.


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In two hours, it will be time to begin heading over to pick up SS from camp. Don't know what to make of the past week. Seemed like SS had come so far in so many ways, but that he can't go away for 6 days and 6 nights without "checking in" like an obsessive stalker has me steaming, to say the least. Glad for some early morning time to vent before the Beloved awakes.

Sorta Kinda Semi-Relief...

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Finally pried the Beloved away from home for an overnight in the mountains. We hadn't heard anything from whiny SS since Tuesday, so I'm thinking the coast is clear until Saturday morning pickup at camp, but noooooooo....

We didn't have much or any cell signal up where we'd gone, but we reached a place yesterday evening where my phone buzzed that I had a message. "Xxxxx, remember you need to pick me up on Saturday morning at 11:00."

Well duh... like he's ever been left waiting to be picked up from anything, ever.

Pending Detonation?

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He who usually sleeps until 8-9am was up at 7am this morning asking about the summer camp schedule so he could phone in order to catch his son. I was none too helpful in that quest and the camp phone system seems set up in a way to gently deter worry wart parents, thank goodness.

Summer Camp Blues

reluctantgma's picture

SS, age 13.5, is at summer camp for a week. It's his first time away from his parents/family members ever. Yesterday (after he was allowed to phone Dad due to home sickness), the Beloved remarked that SS never even had so much as a non-family sitter over the course of his life. A real stunner to me. My birth daughters went away on activities and with friends from the time they were old enough to walk. By the time they were SS's age, I had to find unobtrusive ways to insert myself into THEIR activities in order to spend quality time with them.
