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HATE having to work today - GRRRRRRRRRR RANT

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DH gets today off (like anyone working in a damn office SHOULD) but not me. He decided since he's off and stepdevil14 spent Turkey day with BM yesterday, he'll pick her up and take her over to his dad's and granddad's and "just spend quality time" together.

Did she call him yesterday? Nope! Has she called him since the last time they saw each other a week ago? Nope. I'm wondering if he'll ever get sick of always having to make the effort with her?

Drama surrounds this ffffing kid!

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DH gets home from his visit with SD14 last night. He says "SD says the school pulled her out of class and told her that I've been calling some lady at the school non-stop for days and to tell me to stop calling her". He said the school office showed her a phone number written down and asked if it were his and she confirmed it was. Then sent her back to class and said to have your dad stop calling this lady at the school.

Shocking admission by Hubby

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Hi all,

Quick recap: we recently moved to a 1 bedroom apartment due to SD14 not coming around all summer. DH and BM forced her to last month and now DH and SD are trying to "rebuild" their relationship. I have told DH that I'm still uncomfortable with SD and asked that he visit her (anytime he wants) away from our apartment and that she gave up her overnights by ignoring him for 4 mos. They agreed to every Tuesday night and every 3rd Saturday to start the "rebuilding" process.

Victory is MINE!

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So since we moved to the 1 bedroom apartment, this past weekend was supposed to be SD14's first weekend spending the night at our new place. DH and I got into an argument Friday regarding how I'm STILL not comfortable with her around, can't trust her, our place is TINY, etc. We only argue about her and whenever she comes around.

All moved into the new apartment, DREADING SD14's weekend

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So, we moved from a 2 bedroom, 3rd floor apartment to a ground level, 1 bedroom across the parking lot over the weekend. Needless to say, I'm exhausted!! And since we weren't really aware of how TINY the new place is, we're having to sell some of our furniture to make things feel a little more open. The 6 person leather and suede poker table/dining room table takes up the ENTIRE dining room and we have to store 2 of the leather chairs in the closet or there wouldn't be room for the fish tank at all!!!

School trips - responsibility for paying?

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Hey all,

So SD14 just now came back into DH's life due to being forced by the court order and her mother insisting that DH go to mediation to change the parenting plan from 50/50 to every other weekend (so she can file for an increase in child support).

SD said that BM paid entirely for her upcoming school trip to D.C. next June. $1400. She took out a work loan apparently. BM nor SD had mentioned this at all to DH prior to last Sunday when SD came over for the first time since the beginning of summer.

Final email sent to BM regarding SD & visitation

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So, we've taken a new approach and hopefully she'll "get it" and drop shit.

Dear BM:

I'm sending you this email to discuss several VERY important things that have been discovered through conversations with Z over the course of the past 48 hours. She'll be at your home today after school for the simple reason that she WANTS to be there and I refuse to force her to be anywhere she doesn't want to be. You and I both made that promise to her and I intend to uphold my end of that promise.

Can't stop thinking of this

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I just can't get over what DH said last night and the fact that he's not said one word to me all day. We usually instant message each other all day long. There's always so much drama and tension when SD14's in the picture. I know it's gotta be weighing on him like it has been me.

I don't know how to approach him regarding that statement he made or if I'll even be able to get him alone tonight to do so. Sure, we can make the kid go outside but she has no idea how to entertain herself. And I'm not leaving her unattended inside with the cat and the fish! NO way.
