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All moved into the new apartment, DREADING SD14's weekend

RedWingsFan's picture


So, we moved from a 2 bedroom, 3rd floor apartment to a ground level, 1 bedroom across the parking lot over the weekend. Needless to say, I'm exhausted!! And since we weren't really aware of how TINY the new place is, we're having to sell some of our furniture to make things feel a little more open. The 6 person leather and suede poker table/dining room table takes up the ENTIRE dining room and we have to store 2 of the leather chairs in the closet or there wouldn't be room for the fish tank at all!!!

Anyhow, SD14 will be spending this weekend with us. Yeah, she no longer has her own room or bathroom and I'm DREADING it already and it's only Tuesday! DH's niece's 6th birthday party is Saturday evening, so we'll all be going there but no plans Sunday.

I can't drink any alcohol, due to being on antibiotics for a stupid infection, plus the meds make my stomach hurt AND I'm not sleeping well at the new place due to hearing every parking lot noise now that we're on the ground level. So, I'm cranky.

How am I supposed to get through this weekend with SD14 being there on my COUCH, sharing my bathroom and generally being all up in my face all weekend? I can't drink, can't spend the entire night in my bedroom because we have his niece's party and can't watch my DVR'd wedding shows Sunday morning due to SD being sprawled out on the couch (we only have one tv). Don't have the money for a hotel room either and all my friends are busy...FML



ThatGirl's picture

I'm so sorry. No way in hell I'd be able to survive in a 1bed/1bath house with a skid. You need a TV, computer, and mini-bar in your room.

RedWingsFan's picture

Yeah, the only reason we took this place was because SD was shoved up her mom's ass all summer and refused to come for visitation. We thought saving $200 per month in rent and being on the ground (which helps my bad knees) would be a smart move since it didn't appear the kid was ever going to come back. Now, I'm wishing we could've stayed in the bigger place, despite my bad knees and the extra money spent on rent.

I have a laptop, so I suppose I can just get on Steptalk and lay in bed all day Sunday!

amber3902's picture

Kava tea is good for anxiety. If you can't find it, chamomile tea, would be a good second choice.

I drink Kava tea when I'm really stressed. Chamomile tea will help you sleep and
is a weak muscle relaxer. Neither tea should interfere with your antibiotic. Hope you feel better soon.

I also suggest a trip to your local library to find a few good books to read in the bedroom while SD hogs the living room TV.

When I was married we lived in a small two bedroom apartment. I couldn't stand to be around my husband, (now my ex) so while he watched TV in the living room I made my own little space in the bedroom. I drank A LOT of kava tea during that time. Smile

Good luck for the weekend!

RedWingsFan's picture

Thanks, I'll try the kava. I've done Chamomile tea before too but it didn't really help.

I have a book that I actually need to get caught up on. Or I could just take a sleeping pill Saturday night and sleep the whole entire Sunday away!!!!!!!!

Willow2010's picture

The lap top is a pretty good idea. Sunday morning, tell DH and SD that that you are not feeling well and are just going to be in bed all day trying to sleep. Maybe they will leave you alone and you don’t have to hang with them.

What has SD said about not having a room now? You may want to consider moving back to the bigger place if she continues to come over. Sucks having to live by the whims of a kid huh? BTDT

StickAFork's picture

Was there any way you could have kept the 2 bed since you knew she was coming back?

Sorry, I cannot imagine living in a 1 bed apt...with a skid. Y'all will be up each other's asses in no time.

RedWingsFan's picture

Nope, we'd already signed the lease for the 1 bedroom.

I think if she annoys the fuck outta me, I'll just leave Smile

RedWingsFan's picture

SD doesn't KNOW she doesn't have her own room anymore. DH and I removed EVERYTHING from her room at the old place and gave her an inflatable mattress to sleep on and said she'd have to earn everything back. Well, we told her we were moving, but he didn't want to reveal that she won't have a room of her own until this weekend when he can sit her down and explain to her face-to-face WHY we moved to a smaller place.

My guess is she's not going to be happy without her own room, the cat will keep her up at night since his cat tree is right next to the couch, she'll run home Sunday evening and complain to BM who will then attempt again to drag DH into court for more child support and be all up his ass for not having a room for SD.

We can't move anywhere for a year. Just signed a new lease. And no, I refuse to live my life catering to her. She doesn't need her own room for 2 overnights a month...not in my world! LOL

I think I'm just gonna take a sleeping pill Saturday evening when we return from his niece's party and sleep all day Sunday. They can go out and have their special "daddy daughter" time while I'm snoozin!!!! Smile

Willow2010's picture

SD doesn't KNOW she doesn't have her own room anymore
LMAO!! This is going to be priceless!! She is going to freak!! And yes...everything you said is what will happen. Suck though.

RedWingsFan's picture

Yep - so, Saturday afternoon, we'll go get her and drive straight to the party and then when we get home, she'll discover there's no bedroom for her and he'll have his little talk. I'll go straight to bed. LOL

I thought she'd freak when she discovered we'd emptied her bedroom at the other place but she didn't. He kept her box of knick knacks and will tell her to take it back to her mom's since she no longer has a room to keep them in at our place.

UGH I'm just soooooo dreading this.

RedWingsFan's picture

Yeah, well since I'll have my laptop with me Sunday - I'll be updating as soon as the sleeping pill wears off! Wink

Halo_Horns's picture

Dont let sd "sprawl" all over your couch. Turn on your tv when you want to and watch your shows on your tv. Visitation is about her time with her dad. Wake him up and send them both out of the house for their visitation. }:)

RedWingsFan's picture

Oooh, I usually can't sleep in on Sundays so I normally wake up around 7am and go make my coffee and catch up on my DVR. I can still do that. I'll wake them both up and he won't like that cuz he LOVES sleeping in on Sundays...THANKS FOR THAT!!!!!!!!!!!

TASHA1983's picture

I for one am DEFINITELY hoping your skid NEVER wants to come back once she realizes she has no privacy or room to do anything! LMAO!

When my BF and I get married we already planned and decided that my BF and I and my son will all have our own rooms and the 3rd room will be for an office/work out room and skid can sleep on an air mattress in the living room. No way is his fat lard ass sleeping on and ruining any of my furniture!

RedWingsFan's picture

Thanks - send me all your good juju!!!! I soooooo do not want her to come back for overnights!

RedWingsFan's picture

Thanks - I wouldn't be so worked up had we stayed in the larger apt, but this new one is TINY!!!

I'm just so tired of her already and I try to put an effort in for DH but lately, I just haven't wanted to at all.

Even if SD is a perfect angel, I still don't want her in my space, you know? For ANY amount of time!

RedWingsFan's picture

Shit I'd give anything for that much physical space. Our 2 bedroom apt was 950 sq ft. The one we're in now, just shy of 725...yeah, that is gonna suck ass come Saturday!

RedWingsFan's picture

NICE!!! If I had the cash to do that much traveling, I'd be going to Michigan to see my DD Smile

Thanks though! It's a great thought!

mama_althea's picture

Oh man...good luck.

Get netflix or hulu or something on your laptop. Take over the living room if you want to, but then you're stuck with SD because she has nowhere other than the bathroom to go to. Hopefully DH will go out and do some stuff with her and you can get a little breathing room.

Take the fish for a walk? Dog walking is how I get away sometimes. In my worst days I just quietly walked out to my car and drove away.

RedWingsFan's picture

Yeah, thanks. I can leave whenever I want. I just don't want to give SD that power over me. I don't want her thinking she can run me off you know?

mama_althea's picture

Oh, I get that. If she runs you off, then she "wins".

I used to leave every weekend to get away from SD and the lack of parenting from SO, then I started resenting it. I've started leaving again as of this summer, but it was for really fun stuff that I love to do. Huge difference

RedWingsFan's picture

If I could befriend someone with horses, I'd be all set. "Oh, sorry I can't go with you and SD honey, I'm off riding"...

RedWingsFan's picture

Well, our car insurance went up an additional $90 per month due to DH's speeding ticket, so that leaves $110 - which we're supposed to be putting into savings for emergencies, but we'll see Smile

BSgoinon's picture

I have heard hard core drugs do the trick.

Just kidding.

I would be making as many plans outside of the hosue as possible. Alone...

Other than that, your bedroom as a door on it, right? Lock that sucker and let DH worry about entertaining her.

RedWingsFan's picture

Yeah, street drugs in downtown Denver...hmmmmmmmmm

LOL Just kidding too!

If we didn't have this birthday party of his niece's, I would make plans outside the house without them. As it is now, he'll likely pick SD up Saturday afternoon, we'll head to the party, then home and I'll go straight to bed with the aid of Unisom. I'll try and sleep in as late as possible and hopefully the two of them will go off and do their own thing. If not, I suppose I can "take a drive" alone Smile