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princessmofo's Blog

Contagious infections and the BM...

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Happy Friday, StepTalkers. I was curious. Do any of you get informed by the BM when the skids have something contagious? And by that I mean, can easily pass from one human being to another, kind of contagious. Like Impetigo, or the flu, or Whooping Cough. Or does your bm just say, "skid has such and such" and leave it to you to find out the particulars? It really f*cks me off because I have bio kids of my own who live here all the time, one of which shares a room with ss. It would be nice if she could say, "Oh and hey the doctor said it's contagious." Just so I could be prepared.

Six year olds and Mountain Dew. Your thoughts please...

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What are your thoughts on a bm who sends her child to the father's home hopped up on doughnuts and Mountain Dew every drop off? I have very strict soda restrictions in my home. I do not allow caffeinated beverages for the kids. This includes most sodas. And I don't feed the kids a sugary breakfast. It's usually a hot breakfast in our home. Most times pancakes or eggs and bacon and fruit. But this happens everytime dh picks up ss from bm. Not sure if she is just a moron or if she is sabotaging us this way. Your thoughts please...

OT: At what point does your patience run out?

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DH has really been dropping the ball lately. Not only for me (see my previous post about losing my beloved dog) but for our family. I've been working extra hours, both at work and the home studio and been picking up all the slack. Example: watching ss on my days off, doing ALL the housework, trying to de-clutter our lives by purging useless possessions (which has been a fight since dh hoards) and handling all the day to day extras.

Farewell sweet prince, and a flight of angels sing thee to thy rest. . . My most beloved Pomeranian was put down yesterday. . .

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Hello fellow step-talkers. Yesterday I was faced with the harsh reality of letting my most beloved friend and companion go. He was 14. Which is 98 in dog years. I have had this dog longer then I have had children. I had him longer then the duration of my first marriage. He was the one constant in my life. I loved him dearly. He was a delightful black ball off fur and attitude. It was disastrous. And the worst part is...DH could've given two shits about it. He happily skipped off to work yesterday morning.

If you love someone, set them free. If they reconcile with BM they weren't really yours to begin with. . .

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Hello to all you exceptionally strong-willed, embattled step-talkers on this miserable rainy day. That is the question today. You remember the old saying, "If you love something set it free. If it returns to you it's yours. If it doesn't it was never yours to begin with." Well, I thought I would modify that a bit to fit some of our circumstances. If you let your dh/so/bf go would they reconcile with BM? I already know the answer to this for me personally...Yes. He would. He already did and year after they divorced and then lied about it when we met.

Do you secretly wish your dh/so/bf would just leave?

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I've been lurking lately, not posting much, as my day-to-day drama is certainly boring all of you step-talkers by now. But I have a question. Do you secretly ever wish your dh/so/bf would just leave? I sometimes fantasize about that. I grow weary of being told how "needed and loved" I am simply to have the proof evaporate into thin air whenever bm/skid/in-law rocks the boat. I believe it would almost be an enormous relief. The pressure would dissipate. The stench of unrequited love would clear out and the fog of betrayl would be lifted.

OT: If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do. . .

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So I recently came across an article, forgive me because I forget where now, but basically a group of fellow employees were having lunch and one posed the question, "If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?" Do you know what the overwhelming answer in that breakroom was? Get a DIVORCE. So all things aside, if you had unlimited resources, what is the first thing you would do? Would you consider divorce? Would you tell your dh/so/bf? Would you tell MIL/FIL? Or skids? How would you handle this?

The Birthday Blues. . .

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So Step-talkers posting a question to you all. When it is one of your bio's birthdays does your stepchild get a gift too? Apparently, in our home that's what happens. I sure wish I had two of everything, like my ss does. Two Wiis, two bikes, two tablets, etc. That's what happened this weekend. I should've known dh had something up his skeevy sleeve when he asked to go shopping with me for bio-son on Friday. He knew I was buying bio a bike. So we get in the store and he lays on the guilt. "SS needs a new bike, the one he has is too small at our house, it's only fair." Really?!

BM does your new dh's neck hurt today? A mini-victory filled with pettiness and vanity on my part.

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So against my better judgement and not having any believable excuses not to go I attended one of ss's athletic events last night. Of course, evil stink wagon and manboobs were there to cheer him on. DH practically begged me, no actually he did beg me(whining was involved) to go. So I, being the benevolent and generous human being I am, went. We were on the sidelines as I felt a cold wind whip behind me, followed by the crying of small children, and the sun darkening in the sky as the gruesome twosome approached from the rear. Manboobs actually spoke to dh in a cordial manner.

Things I learned from 'Dear Abby' and other musings. . .

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I was reading some archived 'Dear Abby' columns today and stumbled upon this jem. Check out number 2. Enjoy!

1. Don't blame your server for bad food. Always be polite and send compliments to the chef when applicable.

2. It's your wedding; you don't have to invite "drama mama" and "long-gone dads" unless you want to. And do not ignore Stepmom.

3. It's never too late to change bad habits. Today is a good time to begin making healthy new ones.

4. Kindness is always important. Do it randomly if you must, but do it often. Pennies are a gentle reminder of heaven.
