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positivelyfourthstreet's Blog

I finally told him DD and I are not going OOT with him

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It happened on the way to the hardware store. He asked what time we want to leave. I told him we really don't want to go-we would rather stay home and do girly stuff.

He was angry about it but saved his outburst for public display just outside the store. (I could see this coming he likes to force me into submission by humiliating me on public)

He yelled at me, waved his arms screaming fuck it we're going home. I turned to walk away and walk home then he said let's get this done.

Should I call his doctor?

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Husband almost had a heart attack a few months ago. They put him on anti-anxiety meds. He is only taking 1/4 the recommended dose. His meltdowns are now becoming as frequent as twice a week. We all kind of humor him the best we can but mostly we hate being around him.

I feel like he may go physical sometime in the near future. I never felt this way in 15 years. I'm not really that scared, but I wonder if I should call his doctor in order to maybe get him back on his meds or start documenting things.

"Are You Mad At Me?"

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One of my H's regular tools.

Out of the blue, he'll keep on asking me if I'm mad at him. This is intended to start a fight or something. I say no, he insists.

"Well, you sound mad. I don't like your tone of voice. You sound like you're mad at me."

Twice this morning and once this afternoon when he called.

This afternoon ought to be a barrel of laughs after he comes home.



Is he playing games or in denial?

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H asked SD if she wanted to come to BS graduation.
What me and the kids heard was "She'd like to come but she probably won't be able to make it"

H mopes around a bit and goes to bed early without saying goodnight.

BS asks me "Does this'd an I can scalp the rest of the tickets?"
I told him sure, go ahead I don't think SD is coming.

I'd love to but I probably won't to me sounds like a way of gracefully bowing out.

Suddenly when there are no tickets H changed the story.

SD is trying like mad to get off work early so she can go.

Well-he's off his meds....

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Several months ago he had some kind of anxiety attack/cardiac incident which was work related.

At work, he gets treated how he treats us and he can't take what he dishes out to us, so he ended up in ER.

He had another one of his meltdowns yesterday so after he went to work today, I counted pills.

If he was taking them as instructed by his doctor, he would be well into his second bottle.

The bottle of pills still has over sixty pills in it.

Ladies and Gents: What kind of flaming monkey poo do your PD family members fling at you?

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Was going to post on another thread, but probably wouldn't get many responses and didn't want to jack it, so here goes nothing.

I'm fairly convinced my H has some sort of PD.

When SD was living here, there was constant chaos, divide and conquer, tension and turmoil. He never really seemed to want to stop any of it and would often throw gas on the fire or subtly instigate things himself or cause chaos by setting me up to fail or be RA'd by him and SD and BM.

Something has changed. Husband coming back to life? Help me figure this out, because HE won't!

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H is acting weird lately. Friendly, doling out back rubs and sort of acting like a husband might. He seems to have lost that "PFS is my worst enemy" attitude that he had going on for so long. He has stopped monitoring and micromanaging me and might even trust me a little bit(he is a controller to the max). This has been going on for a few weeks now. He even asked if he was being too hard on my BS.

Bedtime. Backrub begins. The curiousity is killing me. I gots ta know!
