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Well-he's off his meds....

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

Several months ago he had some kind of anxiety attack/cardiac incident which was work related.

At work, he gets treated how he treats us and he can't take what he dishes out to us, so he ended up in ER.

He had another one of his meltdowns yesterday so after he went to work today, I counted pills.

If he was taking them as instructed by his doctor, he would be well into his second bottle.

The bottle of pills still has over sixty pills in it.

He claims he can't take full dose BC of dizziness, but I don't even think he's taking half doses-too many pills left.

He is a control freak to the max. I think he's afraid if he takes these pills, he won't be able to control as much.

As in not noticing the molehills he constantly makes mountains out of anymore.

I've been wondering if he's been off his meds because he is starting to rant and rave again about work and trivial bullshit that happens at home and everything else under the sun.

Too bad. I was almost starting to like him again. When will I ever learn?


Flying.Purple.Step.Monster's picture

I went through this with my ex husband. When he took the pills all was great.. when he didn't... or when the pills stopped working. I wish now I had wized up sooner and gotten out of the marriage earlier!

Good Luck!