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Question about my legal liability when SD gets in trouble

paul_in_utah's picture

I'm taking a break from my usual entries today, because I need to get some good advice from the folks here on ST. One of my biggest fears is that SD17 will do something that will get us in trouble legally. For instance, if she steals a car an kills someone in an accident, or gets in a fight and hurts someone. If she injures someone, and we are sued, I am concerned that I will end up being responsible for my wife's half of the settlement. In theory, her perfect bio-daddy would be on the hook for 50% of the judgement, but I believe that I would be severally liable for my wife's half, since we are married. Is this right? I would love to hear from anyone who has had issues like this. And I am sure that there are attorneys on here Smile


godess-clueless's picture

In most cases you are not personally responsible. But the catch is that when there is a cost to a situation the bio parent is responsible and their assets could be taken or when the bio parent can not pay for damages and lawyers guess who gets asked to pay. also legal aid is based on total household income. So your income gets included and usually makes the minor child not accepted for free legal aid. I know since I've been there.

over_it_all's picture

In our state, a parent/step-parent can be held liable for damages, injuries, thefts....etc, committed by a minor child. I've had the same concerns over a S.S for several years myself. He's stolen from people and my wife has covered the cost's of what hes stolen, hence we've BOTH had to pay for things. The one comfort I can give, is that when your SD turns 18, she is SOLELY the one who is legally liable for her actions. (As long as she is not driving a car registered to either of you) I can feel for your concern's as I have been where you are in your worries.

Totalybogus's picture

Is she on your car insurance? If she is, you will be held responsible. How about your homeowner's insurance? If she lives with you, and she does something even if she isn't on your vehicle insurance, your homeowners would be tapped.

stronggirl's picture

Get an umbrella policy from your insurance company. I know that money is tight with the economy and not to mention the money for kids and ex's but we have an umbrella policy that covers the household...if SS16 wrecked the car and hurt someone it pays up to one million...and it was only $ the long run it will save your house...yes it is 386...but kids are not responsible these check into it all insurance companies have them. But it does not cover if they do something Missouri, they are kind of responsible for themselves at the age of 17. They can leave home at 17...and they can leave school at check your laws of your state for that just for peace of mind. And if she has a car...and you are able...put it in her name...put the insurance in her name...have nothing of you or your significant others name on it..if you don't have the ablitliy to do the umbrella policy....just some ideas:0