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The "Implicit Bargain"

paul_in_utah's picture

G'day fellow S'Talkers.

Like many of you, I have often felt resentful of skids who show no appreciation for all of the things we do for them (buying things, taxi service, helping with homework, listening to problems etc.).  Recently, I read something that gave me some perspective on this issue (I think it was on Reddit, but not 100% sure).

At any rate, regarding unapprecitive skids, the poster said that a lot of skids view your contributions as part of the "implicit" or "silent" bargain for being with their parent.  In other words, for you to be with their bio-parent, you are expected to fork over your time, energy, attention, and money for their benefit, "just because."  They don't show appreciation because it is a given that you should be doing all of these things for them.  However, if you failed to do these things, that would be a problem.

I don't think this is right, because we should get credit for helping kids we played no part in creating.  However, this would go a long way towards explaining the shit attitude shown by many skids, because they think they are doing us a favor by allowing a relationship with their parents. 

What does the group think?


JRI's picture

Every time I read about unappreciative SKs, I have guilt flashes.  I never expressed any gratitude to my poor Sdad, it never crossed my mind.  Now that I'm a SParent, I often think of him but my bios didnt express it to DH and my SKs didn't, either.

My problem SD62 often thanks me but I think its manipulation on her part ("keep doing it and do more").

hereiam's picture

skids view your contributions as part of the "implicit" or "silent" bargain for being with their parent.  In other words, for you to be with their bio-parent, you are expected to fork over your time, energy, attention, and money for their benefit, "just because."   .....  they think they are doing us a favor by allowing a relationship with their parents. 

I don't see it that way, at all, I don't think that step kids think about it to that depth. I just think that most kids, in general, have certain expectations of adults, period. They think that the adults in their lives should do for them, no matter who they are.

So, yes, they do think that it's a given that we should do things for them, but I don't believe it's as calculated as you are describing. At least, not in most cases.



ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

@Paul_in_Utah, no matter the reason for their smucky attitudes and ungratefulness they should be extremely nice to the stepparents because you are right we didn't create this and were thrown into anything we do should be treated with gratefulness. Stand your ground !

CajunMom's picture

I'm with hereiam...that's too deep of thinking for kids/teens.

Kids are taught gratitude. I well remember my mom circle of friends when the kids were young....always reminding them to say please and thank you. We also corrected our teens. So, pretty much...the ungrateful attitude, while kids may have it, only is displayed when the parents don't correct it. SMH

Rumplestiltskin's picture

I think it goes along with the increasing child-centeredness of our society. It used to be expected that kids would respect and obey their parents and help at home. It no longer is. Parents are conditioned to feel that they should do as much as possible to make the kids happy, and there are no expectations placed on the kids. If they don't respect and help their parents because they were never taught, it's even worse for the stepparents. My biggest fear is the impact on future generations. How is this generation going to suddenly get their acts together and BE adults and parents, with no skills to even take care of themselves? 

ESMOD's picture

We will get these kids that say they are "opting" out of corporate jobs because they feel that the corporations are just taking advantage of them.. and that they will just work forever and have nothing to show for it.

But.. gee.. isn't that kind of how life is.. for everyone.. you work to sustain yourself.. to support yourself.. to feed, clothe and house yourself.. and any offspring you choose to create.. you will work a long career.. maybe take a few vacations.. maybe buy a house after a while.. you will make car payments.. and pay child care.. and cable and cell bills.. etc.. etc.. then at the end of it all.. you may or may not have much left to "leave your kids" when you die.. because you spent it all along the way.

I think kids have this huge misconception that everyone had pensions.. and it's just NOW that they are having a hard time.. Pensions were more common for a 60 year period between the 20's and 1980's.. and we can remember there was this thing called the great depression in the that time.. a couple of world wars.. it's not like the "older generations" lived in a world of milk and honey.

I'm not going to deny that the current housing market is a bit crazy.. but people were paying double digit mortgages in the 80's.. so these kids are not the first to have some obstacle or difficulty.  And.. home ownership is not the end all be all of wealth building.. yes.. your home can be an asset.. it can also be a money pit.. and you may or may not see the same level of appreciation if you buy in a high market.

And.. yes.. your parents lived in communal situations to afford to live away from home.. we did not door dash a starbucks order because we were sad.. (as I see my SD's do..haha).  maybe we ordered in a pizza.. but that was a treat.. ramen noodles.. tuna sandwiches.. spam.. hot dogs..   we shared apartments.. shared bathrooms..  and living like that was a great motivator to try harder!

So.. you don't want to buy into the corporate grind.. so what are you gonna do about eating?  where are you going to sleep.. I'm sorry.. but at no point was it "ok" to just do nothing.. you can go join a commune.. but they will want you to contribute.. and at some point.. you will realize the better option is to work harder than the next guy.. so you get a better seat at the table.

All of my husband's kids.. nieces and nephews own homes... all make good money without college degrees.. you can't lament the fact that "we will just work till we die".. leisure time.. vacations are actually a fairly recent phenomena for the masses.. most people worked to survive.. and having money to buy a gucci purse was not something that even would have appealed to someone wondering where they would get their next meal from... because if they didn't grow it.. forage it.. raise and kill it.. or hunt it.. they didn't survive.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

I am seeing young people who opt out of working altogether. Get on disability for things that wouldn't have stopped people in the past. Live off your parents and play video games. I hope what i am seeing is still the exception, and i realize my view may not be an accurate representation of the world as a whole. But still.

Not to disparage those who are on disability because they truly need it, but what i'm seeing is the "system workers" taking resources that should be saved for those who are truly incapacitated. And those who are incapacitated don't have the capacity to access these services because it takes a lot of "hoop jumping." I worry for the future and hope we aren't headed for another great depression. Have "we" raised a generation of kids who will be unable to take over and be the adults?

Lillywy00's picture

EXACTLY....I come from the old school way of parenting and the number of disneyland parents, gentle parents, helicopter parents, bulldozer parents, etc is just baffling to me. The parents are getting softer and more scared by the day....then wonder why little Timmy is sh00ting up the schools every other month, beating up grandparents, cursing out bio parents, lazy af, disrespectful af, drinking/drugging hardcore by middle school, and have no empathy/self-control/emotional regulation.

Rags's picture

skids view your contributions as part of the "implicit" or "silent" bargain for being with their parent

The kid that is that  contemplative is so rare as to be nonexistant.  Kids want mommy and daddy together. Or they want mommy or daddy for themselves.    Many of them, even HS aged, have no idea what implicit even means.  Most of them have zero expectations beyond getting what they want when they want it.... if they even know what they really want. It is about instant gratification. 

This is entirely a product of shit parenting. Not the SParent, but the breeder.

Funny how kids who are raised with standards of behavior and standards of performance are rarely illbehaved shit spawn.  Whether they are SKids or not.

They are polite, calm, well behaved, respectful, and at most only extremely rarely play any crap behavior. If at all.  And when they do, their quality parent(s) end

 it immediately and applies very memorable consequences eleminating about any repeat of that.

A man's DW or a woman's DH is to be respected and any children in that home must have absolute cognizance of that.  Whether the DW or DH are Sparents or the breeding partner. If the kid fails to remain cognizant of that absalute truth, that congnizance has to be delivered with escalating misery inducing lessons.

Your Skids are unadulterated assholes because their mother is a shit parent.  

As difficult as that is to consider.

Take care of you.

IMHO of course.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Skids make these wrongheaded assumptions, but it's their bio parents that should be teaching them gratitude and that the world doesn't revolve around them.

BethAnne's picture

Kids in general don't really appreciate what parental figures do. It's only later when we're adults or even when we have kids of our own that we fully appreciate all the efforts our parents went to. 

With steps you have the added fun dimension of them expecting you to act like a parent but them not considering you to be a parental figure.  

We have the upper hand as we can just stop doing the parental things and leave it all to the bio parents. 

ESMOD's picture

I think that the parent is the one that should be thanking you.

Kids see what their parents do for them as the "implicit bargain".. their parents had them.. so their parents need to provide for them.

When a stepparent does part of that parent's "responsibility".. it isn't a thankworthy thing in the Skid's eyes... it's something that their parent is obligated to do for them.. if the Sp does it instead.. it's still no different it is somethign they are "owed" as kids.

I think when some skids get older.. they realize that the SP was not under any obligation.. and what they did do was nice.. but I don't think a lot of kids realize how much they take their parents for granted.. until they are older.. and realize how much the parents did for them.. like I don't recall there being an expectation that we "thanked" our parents for every sock they washed.. ever ride to school.. every basic thing they did for us..   we were taught to be polite.. and thank for gifts.. or treats.. but basics.. day to day?  it would get almost ridiculous wouldn't it?  thanking for every thing?  "Thanks for paying to have the heat on dad".. Thanks for washing my sheets mom.. "thanks for taking me to the dr.. Thanks for having running water.. thanks for that toilet paper I just used.. etc.. 

CLove's picture

Its just we are part and parcel of the "parental unit', with the responsibility, however none of the authority. This should be given by the parents. Unless its a child centric household and everything is done to make the children happy.

1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

Its not that deep and they arent that smart like another poster said

These "children" usually have some type of dysfunction and use the situation (parents split up) to their advantage. They never will consider you as part of the family and want you to be "silent partner" (yes to everything or never speak/get involved unless you are asked or spoken to). They see how their father or mother treat you and copy the exact same thing

You will find that if your partner is taking you for granted/using you, often by extension his relatives and children will treat you the same way

Ppl who value their partners often have boundaries with steps and force the respect and values even if the children refuse to. Those who take their partners for granted will often burden them with chores and disrespect them/take their value down in front of the kids who will mimic the behavior. You will also find that exes play a huge part in the way children treat you. If a BM or BD tells their child to not listen to their exs new partner or not respect them, its pretty much game over for you no.matter how much you do or how supportive your partner is, the ex spends so much time brainwashing the kids that you have no chance to get them to even just respect you a little bit

There is no "bargain"....neither silent nor loud....Its a waste of time, effort, money,etc....If anyone can get out of it unscathed, they should do so and promptly....For those of us who are stuck, we live with it but not without suffering

Lillywy00's picture

The ungratefulness of most skids and their entitled bio parents is one reason why I believe that 90% of the time step-parenting has a very low ROI which makes it not worth expending the resources

Rags's picture

SPaernting is kind of like putting all of your money on the 70% chance of failure dumber on the Roulette wheel.  Every day you play, you have a 70% chance of losing.

Where in an initial marriage, you at least have a 50/50 shot of winning.

I lost the first time I played the marriage lottery. Crashed and burned.  Fortunately I did not pollute my gene pool with my serially adulterous XW.  The second time I played... no sure things, but it is looking good so far. Nearly 30 years in.  Im not sure how the odds work on this one as it is my second and my DW's first.  

Tolerate no crap, take care of you.