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Question about ODD

paul_in_utah's picture

I recently came across a reference to ODD, and looked into it a bit. SD17 has every diagnostic criteria! I am trying to talk DW into getting a pediatric pysch consult for SD, and DW is at least considering it.

Before we get too far into this process, I wanted to see if folks on this site had experience with their skids having ODD. Did getting a consult help? If there was a diagnosis of ODD, what type of treatment was prescribed, and did it help? Or did it make it worse? Any info would be great appreciated!


VioletsareBlue's picture

I have an SD6 who was diagnosed with ODD last year. She is going to counselor and doing "play therapy". We were told she has to have rules, consistency, a fairly rigid schedule and when she is having a "fit" to ignore it unless she is hurting herself or others.
I'm not sure what you would do for a 17 yr old since they can be much more destructive. Good luck! It's like living in hell when she has one of her ODD moments.

VioletsareBlue's picture

We were told by her psychiatrist that it was a learned behavior. Lovely.

Unfreakingreal's picture

My BS13 has ADHD/ODD. He is NOT on meds. I didn't feel it was necessary. Maybe his case is mild compared to others but drugs were a NO NO for me.
He was however in a Behavior Modification class thru-out his elementary school years. He has since been mainstreamed with additional help in certain subjects. He has a bad temper, he's fidgety and has a tough time focusing. However, I am extremely strict with him. He has a routine and we live on a schedule on a day to day basis. Weekends I'm a little lenient and let him kinda do his own thing. Go hang out with friends, play ball, hang out at the mall & the movies. IF he deserves it. He plays a lot of sports which has helped with the extra energy he seems to have. It hasn't been easy, but he has made a dramatic improvement in the last 7 years. I wouldn't change him for anything in the world.

hismineandours's picture

ODD in my opinion is simply another way of saying the kid has bad behavior. Yes, often there is something driving it. Often, it is poor parenting. There is no medication that is designed to treat ODD-sometimes you can find something that will help the associated sx such as the anger. The best thing you can do is crack down and have firm parenting with consistent consequences.

My ss12 had been diagnosed with adhd and odd. Basically he doesnt wish to do anything anyone tells him to do, he gets pissed off if he cant do what he wants, he is irritable with most people unless he wants something from them. He is an unhappy, angry, miserable kid.