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Report Cards

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DH and I are split but are still living at the same place until something comes through. I know I shouldn't have, but I read SS10's report card while they were out getting dinner. His grades were good, but he had a whole page for the teacher's comments.

I can't find a place to live. (Cuss Words Are Used)

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DH and I decided to separate. His son ruined our relationship and DH let it happen. I would never make DH choose between his son and I, so I am leaving. I have been looking for a place to live for 3 days. NO LUCK (I either can't afford it or I cant have a dog bigger than 25 lbs.). I have a dog and getting rid of him is not an option. So for the last 3 days while I hide in our home because everything is AKWARD to say the least, DH has taken a fucking interest in his child finally.

I was a Stepkid

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My parents got a divorce when I was young, I was nine, my brother was 6. BOTH parents, my Dad and my Mom gave us THE Speech. To this day I think THE Speech is the reason my brother and I had no divorce issues. They both told us "its over, we are never getting back together, we all need to move on". I knew my Dad didn't really mean what he said, but saying it really helped us get over things quicker I feel. We knew it wasn't ever going to be again and that was that. They didn't sugarcoat ANYTHING. They both told us the truth when we asked something, even if the truth was bad.

I can't believe that this is my life. (LONG)

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We don't know if it was yesterday morning or Tuesday night, but SS10 had his fun with the bathroom tiles again AND broke a pair of metal tweezers in half. I WILL REPEAT MYSELF...I think he needs to be evaluated and needs to be back in counseling. This child is so freaking angry. My DH refuses for some reason and it pisses me off, you'll see why in a minute. I tell DH about the situation (since DH leaves before we wake up). I should have handled it better but I snapped.

SS10's BM changes plans

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So DH made BM a schedule in January that goes until the end of July. It basically said that she could have SS every Saturday from 1pm-to Sundays at 6pm (except for the last weekend of each month). BM picks him up for about 3 weeks and then all of a sudden she has to work on Saturday nights. We've been through this before. So DH tells her to make a schedule and she says she'll just take SS on Fridays at 5:30pm to Saturdays at 5:30pm. OK, no problem.

Does this Make Sense?

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SS10...I don't know where to begin. He just doesn't behave. Not like normal misbehavior, he's defiant and downright mean. Its scary. But to your face he acts all rainbow and butterflies. So last week I had had it. It would make sense to me if he just told DH or I that he didn't like us and would rather go live with his BM and thats why he acts the way he does. I would understand better that thats why he's acting out.

So Annoyed, Funny In a Way...

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For a second job my DH works at a motorcycle shop. For those that don't know from past blogs...BM is a stripper. So DH brings up some biker concert thats going on and asks if I want to go, I ask for the info and he says to go on the website for the motorcycle shop. I go to the website and the first thing I see is a flyer for a day that DH works for a car/bike show with car/bike washes by the girls of soandso nightclub. YES, THE CLUB THAT BM STRIPS AT!!! OMG!!! HOW THE HELL DOES THAT HAPPEN???!!! THEY ARE HAVING STRIPPERS DO CAR/BIKE WASHES AT HIS JOB, LMAO!!!

O/T- 1st Wedding Anniversary

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Yes, we made it through the first year of marriage, lol. Our anniversary is May 28th. Does anyone have any good suggestions for an anniversary gift? I know traditionally the first year is paper. I plan on getting him a gift certificate for a massage (paper). Is that ok? I feel like I should be doing something more. Any Suggestions?

Mother's Day

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So last week I was so annoyed because SS10 was going to spend Mother's Day with me for the 4th year in a row (I've only known him for 4 years). DH had to work, so it's not like I could even relax.

Im Confused

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Last night my SS10 asked me to go to his school next Friday morning for Muffins for Moms. WTF? He asked in front of DH, and Im glad because I was able to pull DH out of the room and let him know this is why I can't deal with SS. One day he's destroying my stuff and being down right mean to me and the next he wants me to go to Muffins for Moms? I said yes, but I am not excited. Im standoffish. With all this kid pulls, Id hate to say, I think he might have asked so he could get a ride to school and not have to walk.
