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Good Night with the skids...and a mental image giggle for you all

no1smaid's picture

My DH a lot of people mistake for a 'redneck'. His general overall appearance, hair cut, height, weight (to include a little beer belly), jeans and tshirts that make up the majority of his non work wardrobe.

Our cable company has a feature on a few of the channels for Karaoke. DH and skids#1,3,4 got into a karaoke competition last night. It was hysterical to see Mr. Redneck busting out in the song "I like Big Butts" and attempted to dance to it!!! Poor guy is terminally caucasion and Cant dance!!

Nearly wet my pants from laughing before the song was over! Smile

Skid#2's first appearance is this afternoon around 1. I am hoping the dear judge holds him accountable, if not DH is prepared to. He called three facilities that are within an hour drive, all three are willing to take Skid#2, good news is all three also take our insurance.


stepsonhatesme's picture

OMG-- that was a great image to think of this morning it will keep me chuckling all day.

P.S. I have skid#2 in my paryaers that all will work out for the best.