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How Loud Are Your Skids?

TwoOfUs's picture

Quick survey.

How old are your skids...and how loud on a scale of 1-10? How loud are they when talking to each other or to friends? How loud do they turn on the TV?

Mine are teens (SS18, SD16...and one SD20 who no longer comes over), and I just don't think I was ever this loud, even as a teen.

I'd put them at a solid 8.5 for normal conversation. Basically it sounds like they're always yelling everything they say. If they get excited, goes straight to 11.

Climbing the post-Christmas walls over here...


Cover1W's picture

SD10 - pretty quiet normally, even when with her friend. I'd say about a 5 on average. Usually the noise is them running up/down the stairs/hall or almost-slamming a door or giggling/talking too late. Not really so bad. With SD13 though...all that's out the window and she can YELL.

SD13 - not as loud as she used to be since now she's got her face buried in her phone or computer (a good side effect of devices). She still tends to get really wound up and yell, jump around, scream, sing, and if with friends talks SUPER loud so she's the focus of attention. 8.

TwoOfUs's picture

That's how mine are, too. They've been sitting at the table for 30 minutes waiting for dinner to be ready (annoying) and just loudly talking and laughing...talking in dumb voices, making dumb jokes, laughing for no reason. They have devices but they play clips SO LOUD it hurts my ears two rooms away...and then they provide commentary and laugh even louder. I just do not get it.

TwoOfUs's picture

Sounds like our skids were cut from the same cloth. Loooooonnnnngggg showers around here, too. Drives me nuts.

Maxwell09's picture

I would say SS5 stays at a 5 but we've always encouraged "inside" voices since he was a baby. We don't like yelling or shouting for any reason. I usually have to remind him to dial it down in the car.

Livingoutloud's picture

My SDs are adults and they are LOUD. I had two adults SDs in my previous relationship and they are very loud too. But ..,,my own adult DD is also loud lol lol lol

FieryEscape's picture

SD8 walks like a baby elephant. It's so annoying. She must walk on her heels. Stomp ...stomp ...stomp

She will also sit and watching tv and laugh sooo loud ...for so long. It's beyond ridiculous . The kid has zero sense of her surrounding or how to behave in a shared space. I get things are funny ...but not enough to laugh out loud for long periods of time. It's just odd. She will do this annoying exaggerated , hyper laugh thing when she wants attention too.

She doesn't really talk all that loud ..she just does things loudly.

Makes me wonder about her intelligence level sometimes.

Kes's picture

Sd21 and SD20 are both very loud. They talk constantly when they are here, especially the elder. She knows everything too. Nobody else gets a look in at the dinner table, and if you do manage to state your opinion whilst she draws breath, you are left in no doubt as to the stupidity of it. I am nearly 60 but obviously I know nothing.

Countrymom's picture

SS7 is definitely a 10 on the noise scale. His talking is actually yelling, we are constantly telling him to lower his voice. He stomps when he walks, slams doors, cabinets, etc. He also has this fake loud, screechy laugh when he laughs if DH laughs at something, so annoying.

Tuff Noogies's picture

kaos is about a steady 14. lurch's volume level is usually pretty normal, but at times he can be a loud talker if he's getting revved up about something. all three of them together when they were younger was horrendous. dh used to blame it on dumb@$$' van, since they had to be loud for her to hear them. yeah.... uh huh.