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newlymarriedstepmom's Blog

another weekend with the sk's

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Well here it is another Friday night. Wonder what time "Mother of the Year" will be dropping off the kids? Supposed to be at 7pm, but you know, she's busy taking them to movies, and out to dinner, on our time, as well as our dime. After they get here, what usually happens is I turn into Casper the friendly, dishwashing, laundry doing, meal making ghost in town. Such fun, oh what a joy! My husband and I won't have a minute to ourselves, as these children 13, and 10 can't even manage to get a glass of milk for themselves, not to mention a bowl of cereal.


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Hello everyone. I am new to this site, and I must say it is so refreshing to know that I'm not the only "second-wife"/step-mom, floundering around out here! It has been so very helpful to read what all of you have been sharing, and to know that I'm not alone in dealing with certain issues.