Hello everyone. I am new to this site, and I must say it is so refreshing to know that I'm not the only "second-wife"/step-mom, floundering around out here! It has been so very helpful to read what all of you have been sharing, and to know that I'm not alone in dealing with certain issues.
- newlymarriedstepmom's blog
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and welcome...This is a great place for information and people who have been there and done that..Cant wait to hear more from you and again welcome to the family...
You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.
Sir Winston Churchill..
ty for the welcome
Thanks so much for the welcome here. I'm not sure I know where to start. I can relate to so much here. My husband has of course, the manipulative, controlling, not very nice ex-wife. She pretty much does what she wants, says what she wants, and behaves as if my husband and I were put on this earth to do nothing more than adhere to her strict orders! UGH! I think she is campaiging to be "Mother of the Year", however I won't be attending that banquet. She goes so far as to control what the children do when it is their weekend with us. She schedules activities for them when they are with us, and even tells us how often the children are allowed computer time, and or playstation time, when they are at our house. Which by the way is a mere 30 minutes. Its all very very frustrating! In the meantime, she continues to drop the children off late on Friday night when its our weekend. We are supposed to get them at 7pm, and they have been late every Friday since September. And no, its not due to their extracurricular activites, its because she is taking them out to movies and dinner. She makes good use of that child support that is sent every month. And speaking of child support, we are slowly going to the poorhouse so to speak......my husband has had his hours cut, and he is making only half of what he used to make, however the child support & the health insurance payments remain the same. It's really frightening! We have cut back on everything we can possibly cut back on. I am looking for a job. I'm in Michigan, and its not the easiest place to find a job. Besides the fact that we only have 1 car and my husband needs the car to get to and from work. The fact that this woman gets 800 dollars a month, plus health insurance, infuriates me. I know it shouldn't, but it does. Especially when we don't get all of the visitation that my husband is entitled to. Examples, no time this past Thanksgiving, no time at Christmas, no time for New Years. And summer? Well let me tell you about that. My husband sent her a written statement, providing dates for a11 3 weeks of when he wanted the kids in the summer. Here's how that went, we got 1 week. ONE! She conveniantly decided to take her vacation time at the exact time we asked for them, and she told the children that she would take them to Six Flaggs, and to a huge waterpark.....and did they want to come here and hang out with us for a week, or go to a big amusement park with her for a week, well as you can imagine, I'm sure you know what the children chose. And my husband didn't want to make them come if they didn't want to come. It's all so very very frustrating.......
grab a seat and stay awhile.
and yes you are not alone.
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."
Hey there...unfortunately
Hey there...unfortunately for us, no you are not alone! LOL I see from your profile you have 2 teenage girls in the family...I bet you have some good stories!
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
teenage daughters
Oh yes the GIRLS!!! LOL. The teenage girls.....where to begin with those two. Well, one is mine, and one is his. They are as opposite as any 2 girls can be. Mine loves Naruto, and video games, his loves myspace and texting....his talks 24/7, mine is quiet and when she isn't playing her playstation her nose is hard pressed into a book. His is a total girlie-girl, mine, not so much.....she's fine in jeans and a tee shirt. His is into cheerleading, and mine is in the school band. Total opposites these girls but we make it work with kindness (reminding them to be kind to each other), respect, and a lot of laughter.
You're among friends here. Can't wait to learn more about you!