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mrstremaine's Blog

Question to parents with only visitation

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So I have a question. Our attorney said that we should just agree to give BM legal and physical custody and just fight for visitation. Since SD had no memory of DH even though that's the mothers fault our attorney said we should just come to an agreement for visitation and therapy and then go back after we have had time with SD and then ask for 50 percent legal custody...Anyways we were just at therapy and SD said she had to go to the hospital last month and had to get three shots and one of them was in her back.

BM pulling a fast one on the family therapist

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I don't understand WTH is going on. We pay for therapy (400.00 a month)for DH and his daughter. I have finally started going and BM has finally been phased out of the sessions and we were told by the therapist that he thought that SD was comfortable with us now that we could have normal visitation and take her out and have her for a whole day....but some how BM has told some sob story to the therapist and has got him wrapped around her little finger.

Mean e-mails

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Just got an email form the BM about therapy. We agreed to do therapy on the weekends since school is starting and the BM said there is now way she will come to therapy on a school night because he life is to hectic. So now my husband has to take Saturdays off to do therapy which is fine but next month he has to be out of town for work and asked to reschedule it for a week day. He offered to bring dinner and help their daughter with homework since that was her big concern but now she is saying that she is confused about this request and that the email was aggressive and demanding.