Mean e-mails
Just got an email form the BM about therapy. We agreed to do therapy on the weekends since school is starting and the BM said there is now way she will come to therapy on a school night because he life is to hectic. So now my husband has to take Saturdays off to do therapy which is fine but next month he has to be out of town for work and asked to reschedule it for a week day. He offered to bring dinner and help their daughter with homework since that was her big concern but now she is saying that she is confused about this request and that the email was aggressive and demanding. I swear I watched him type the email and all it said was on "Oct 4,5, and 6 I will be working out of town, I tried to reschedule it for during the week but my boss will not let me. Is there any way I can change therapy for that week to another day? I can also provide dinner and homework help if that makes things easier." Some how that offended the BM. So now she said she will be contacting the therapist and lawyer about his aggressive behavior oh and also put that she will be suing us for all of this too.
- mrstremaine's blog
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Ignore her she's being nutty.
Ignore her she's being nutty. document and continue on with what works for you guys not her.
Our BM does this too, SO will
Our BM does this too, SO will get a letter from lawyer about his very "inappropriate" communications, he forwards the email or photo of parenting book entry and asks what part of this is inappropriate, of course he doesn't hear back from lawyer.
Our BM is high-conflict personality (possibly borderline or cluster-b) so in her mind, any genuine requests for change or parenting issues etc is seen as an attack in BM's crazy eyes.
Your DH's email sounds exactly how it should with a co-parent, she's being a nut bar!
She's a moron, let her
She's a moron, let her 'sue'.....ha.
There's nothing unreasonable about rescheduling something especially for a work conflict. Keep all documentation of any communication, and let her mind play with itself.
Yup we regularly get accused
Yup we regularly get accused of being aggressive, slanderous blah blah blah. Generally in the same emails she's chewed dh a new asshole which no one buys.
Ignore it. Don't respond or react.
Thanks for the pep talk
Thanks for the pep talk everyone, it really helps to have people to vent to that know what I'm going through. We are also being accused of hiding hundreds of thousands of dollars even though my DH has provided ever bank statements for the past two years as well as all of our financial records. We just got served papers demanding that we once again provide all bank and credit card statements pay stubs , tax forms, and all that normal bs but now she is also demanding living expenses she is now saying she need grocery receipts form 2010-present and then her lawyer said if we don't give them all the documents by next Tuesday we will be fined and sanctioned. She has subpenaed all of my dh employers records so she already knows how much he makes so I seriously don't understand what her deal is. The last time we went to court her lawyer bill was already at 30,000.00 and we are no where near agreement for anything. She has already said that if the judge rules in our favor she will keep taking us back to court. Next month we will be our 3rd visit to court. BM said she is not worried about lawyer fee's because he attorney assured her we will have to not only pay for our attorney but for hers also.
Does it ever get better? Or do I just have to prep for 9 more years of hell????
With the kind of crazy BM you
With the kind of crazy BM you are dealing with, no, it does not get better.
A favorite saying I picked up
A favorite saying I picked up on here.....IGNORE THE WHORE!
She is just trying to freak you out so you guys give up. Ignore her ramblings, listen to your attorney, and DOCUMENT DOCUMENT DOCUMENT all her crazy talk. Every email, phone calls if you can, every text, even FB postings. Dates, times, places, witnesses.....get all your ducks in a row.