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Someone help

mommyof6's picture

Does anyone know the law on children and visitation. The oldest step child got caught skipping school and bringing a boy her bedroom...enough she calls up mommy deareast to come her before her dad and I get home. She hasn't spoken to her mother in months, you remember, the one that put a restraining order on me that I have never met..........they dont get a long at all and cops are always involved when they spend more than five minutes together....anyway...she is with her mom now and refuses to face us..her mom takes her shopping for new clothes and is happy feeling like she won some type of war....she wants to withdraw step child from the school we had to fight to put her in (2100 and two months of courts, lawyers and fees) and have her home schooled...just like that she lets step child run and hide and rewards her horrible behavior with shopping and letting her skip the next two days of school despite the fact it was finals...what do we there anything we can do? It makes me much drama......can't believe we are here....can't believe she is seriously wanting to do this to us..........her mother is a horrible horrible person........


christsluv2u's picture

Who is custodial parent? What percent? Who has legal custody?

If the custody order states that your hubby is custodial parent, she can't just withdraw her from school and take her. DH should contact the police, lawyer, whoever and insist that the CO be enforced. If she wants her, she'll have to go back to court and fight for custody.


StepChicka's picture

If there is a visitation schedule in place with the court then BM is violating ordered visitation therefore is in contempt. Sometimes a parent can be in contempt if there isn't a visitation order if custody has established itself as status quo....meaning any schedule set up and maintained for the last 6 months.

Has DH asked BM to bring SD back?

I know some people have gotten the police involved to help pick up their children.