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Can step kids make you go crazy?

amybeth33's picture I have both stepkids full time...why can't they be annoying at the same time. They take turns. It drives me crazy. Usually my SS16 is the one causing havoc..but this week my SD14 is the one causing all the drama..can they just make a schedule or something. You never know which war you are going to be fighting. I feel like I'm the ball on a ping pong table. SS16 right now is being awesome..but like wrestlers when she is done giving us hell she will tag him in and she will be the angel while he is the devil..lord help me..I'm only 34 but I feel 78..ahhhhh. With the SD14 it's always emotional...I hate ya'll (luckily she doesn't single me out, she takes it out on DH too) you abuse and neglect me all the time. I am treated so bad...all this while she makes out her name brand shopping list for the week. God forbid I bring home off brand shampoo or conditioner. Then she will tell everyone who will listen how horrible her life is and how she wishes she could live somewhere else. Next time the carnival is in town, she might have a new home. My SS16 is more lazy and doesn't do chores, or doesn't come home on time, looking up porn and starting brain is fried..I love this site...ahhhhh I have it way easier then most people on BM to deal with..thank God for little favors.

liks's picture

^^^^^^^ yep got the same thing....I think the older one stirs the trouble and the young one joins in to be accepted