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misguided's Blog

Dinner Rant

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Yesterday we had the skids here and as my SO left for work in the morning and we talked about what to do for dinner. I volunteered to make ribs because both of our girls like them and I had just bought some at Costco. Anyway they take about 3 hours to make and I had a busy day with a meeting I totally forgot about and a lot going on. His daughter is supposed to get off the bus about 4:30 and by 5:00 I called SO and told him she still isn't home and he let me know that she had practice for this play she is in and he will pick her up about 7:45 so obviously she won't be here for dinner.

Giving presents

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I am so proud of my daughter!!! We let the kids open a couple of presents today since we won't be together until after X-mas. My husband bought both his kids a lot of climbing and camping gear. The boy (10) was happy as a clam and the girl (12) was happy and I am sure she will love it when they go but she was watching my daughter open Katy Perry perfume and American girl clothes and furniture. The gifts he bought his kids were actually twice as expensive as what I got my daughter but I could tell my step daughter was kinda bummed.

O/T but SM related!!!

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I have had a light bulb moment I thought I would share. As step mothers we spend a lot of time feeling unappreciated, resentful, used, angry and unloved. I guess that just comes with the territory of being in a relationship with someone who already had a family which you were not a part of. I feel like we pay the price of him and his ex's mistakes and I mean that in every way, financially, emotionally, etc... I realized this weekend that I am creating not all, but a big portion of the resentment and anger I feel.


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Ok, Thursday night I get a call from my SO and he tells me his daughter called and texted him to tell him she has lice but her brother doesn't. When did she find this out I ask, Monday or Tuesday he answers but didn't get it confirmed by a professional until Thursday. What does that mean? Well she found bugs in her hair and she told her mother on Tuesday and apparently the BM had it to. You think she would call then, no she waits until she has it checked by a professional two days later. How completely disgusting!!

Pissed off!!

misguided's picture

Long story so I apologize ahead of time. Last weekend the kids were here, SD 12 asked me to take her to get a halloween costume, didn't really want to but said ok. Before we left, I was told SS was going to be a serial killer, which his mother bought him and thought, great, just what he needs. Anyway we go to TJ Max to see if they had anymore of the princess costumes I had gotten my daughter and they did but SD didn't like them. We head over to party city to check out the costumes and SD picks a Lady GaGa one.

Thankful for:

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I am copying another poster and what I think is a great idea. I am going to add to it and add what I am upset about that day. After six months, I hope to look back and see my haves grow much bigger than my have nots.

Sunday 10/15
grateful for:
My husband
My kids
My careers
A beautiful day
My LV purse
Sens n silk
Breaking Bad

not happy about:
I have seen two cockroaches in the house
The anxiety that makes my stomach hurt
My neck hurts
The fact that I smoke
My decorator who is taking forever

Stepdad sleepeing with stepdaughter

misguided's picture

Ok, I need your honest opinion. Do you think it's ok for a step dad who has known his step daughter three years and been married to her mom 1 year to sleep in the same bed as his 12 year old step daughter. A couple of facts, the mother was not feeling well and was in her room with the door locked. The step dad went downstairs to sleep and the step daughter came down to watch a movie and they slept together on the pull out couch. I really, really would appreciate your feedback.

O/T My kid issues

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I need advice on this one. My daughter is almost 7 years old and for the most part a very sweet kid. She will constantly say to me "I love you mommy" This has been going on for over a two years now. It doesn't matter who is around or if we are alone, she says it about 5-15 times a day. At first I thought it was really sweet but I can see how it would be really annoying to my husband and even the skids. If they were saying that to their dad all the time I think it would bug me. If I don't say I love you back (which I almost always do), she repeats herself until I do.

How often?

misguided's picture


Who wants to have sex more, you or your SO/DH/BF etc...

Just curious for me it's my DH, I would say he would be good with 5 -6 days a week and I would be good with 3-4 so not a huge difference but them more I talk with my girlfriends the more I am hearing it's the women who want it more. It makes me wonder with women taking on so many roles today are we looking at it like men do as a way to unwind or are men wanting it less? Anyway appreciate your responses.
