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misguided's picture

Ok, Thursday night I get a call from my SO and he tells me his daughter called and texted him to tell him she has lice but her brother doesn't. When did she find this out I ask, Monday or Tuesday he answers but didn't get it confirmed by a professional until Thursday. What does that mean? Well she found bugs in her hair and she told her mother on Tuesday and apparently the BM had it to. You think she would call then, no she waits until she has it checked by a professional two days later. How completely disgusting!! Would you ever wait two days to get treatment for your kid let alone yourself??? But whatever, at least have the decency to tell us when she knows I have a seven year old girl who had just spent time with her kids. I may be a little OCD but the thought of lice in my house is beyond gross to me. Thankfully my daughter doesn't have it but still!!! I almost went to a hotel this weekend because the sk's were here and the doctor said it can stay in your scalp for up to three weeks before you feel it. I didn't go but it took all of my self control to stay. Poor kid, she was so quiet about it and barely looked up until I started joking with her and we went out eat which seemed to cure her mood, she was her happy self the rest of the weekend. I don't think SO has ever done so much laundry in one weekend. Then to top it off she doesn't notify the school about it. To me that is so freakin rude. This is why lice becomes such a big issue and ends up on way more many kids than it needs to, needless to say, I notified the school. I know I am jumping all over the place but trying to type and talk and not doing either well. Anyway to top it all off I send her a text telling her that I think it's disgusting that she makes her daughter tell us, that she waited 2 or 3 days to tell us and that she didn't tell the school. I was expecting her usual bat shit crazy response asking how dare I question her but instead I get this rational, composed text back. Followed by about 6 hang ups but still, I almost fell off my seat. I wonder who wrote it for her cause I know it wasn't her. I never cease to be amazed by my life now that I am married to a guy with a bat shit crazy EX!!!!


ThatGirl's picture

OMG I would absolutely flip out if skids had lice. I'm already completely creeped out by SS14's cooties, but bugs, too? I'm going on a cleaning binge after he leaves tonight!!

the_stepmonster's picture

Ugh I HATE the lice outbreaks. SD's have had it 4 times in the past year. My theory is that BM doesn't properly sanitize their rooms after each outbreak and as a result they just keep passing it to each other. Of course then she will just send them to us without warning and there we are treating it because she is too damn lazy.

Also, a professional??? I by no mean consider myself a hair/head/lice professional but I can spot lice within 5 minutes of looking at a child's head. That sounds like a load of BS to me.

BSgoinon's picture

Ok. Last year my girls got lice. I don't have ANY idea where they got it from, probably school. I can tell you that I am one of the cleanest people I know. And their dad keeps a pretty clean house. It was a NIGHTMARE to get rid of. SS never got it, despite the fact that he had pretty long hair at the time. I was able to contain it to just the 2 girls. There is NO way I would have waited to treat them though. I literally left the baseball game we were at, went to the drug store and bought treatments, and went home and gave them to them. I never got it, DH never got it... and SS never got it. Praying that never ever happens again.

Good luck, and never fear, it is possible for you to not get it. Just don't use the same hair brush ect. Don't let them lay on the couch or community pillows. Even the carpet. I even went as far as putting a swimming cap on my youngest because she had it so bad.

Anonymous_stepmom's picture


BM is just as stupid, maybe even worse. She waited weeks then out of the blue asked me to check her kid and see if she had them, sure enough she had tons, she was infested and I could tell she had them a while. BM says, oh I'll wait a week or so then treat her. Are you freaking kidding me? I told her the importance of taking care of it ASAP and how the child would not be able to go to school until she was cleared. She ignored me, continued to send the child to school until SO gave the school the heads up and they checked her, found them and sent her home. That child was out of school for like a month because of lice and the mother wouldn't do more then a half assed job in getting rid of them, continued to try and get SO to take her on weekends and when he said NO because she could pass it to the 4 other kids and whoever else she got all mad and said that if other people get it we should just all deal with it because SHE WANTED HER BREAK! If she had just taken care of it all from the get go then she wouldn't have had the SD so many weekends. They even went so far as to lie and say she was clear and that they had got a certificate (from Shoppers Drug Mart) stating she was cleared but when they were asked to produce said certificate they couldn't and then she was checked at the door and lice were spotted in 0.2 seconds. I know if I was sending my kids to school and they became infected by lice and then I found out that the parent was negligent and KNEW full well and continued to send their child to school heads would be rolling!