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midnyt's Blog

OT - Sort of, Birth of my daughter, request for advice, and vent session

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Well she finally arrived 2 weeks ago, my obs admitted me to hospital on the 10th for gel insertion and if nothing happened was going to break my waters the next day, 4.30am on the 11th my waters broke, contractions started and 3 hours later my darling little girl was born.

He F#*&ing Paid her - Small Rant

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Cant believe how angry I am right now, and i found this out yesterday and I am still so fucking angry.

So, I found out yesterday that he paid BM directly into her account for school fees. $450. That makes $600 in total (see previous blog for background), $150 paid to the school and $450 directly into her account. THE TOTAL PAYABLE TO THE SCHOOL WAS $850!!

I am so angry right now I want to have a tantrum and start smashing shit up.

Where to Start - long (sorry)

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I havent blogged before have only posted a few forum topics in the past but have read alot of info on here that has helped me alot and I have to thank all of you for that!!

I have 2 BS's and my SO has a BS as well. SO and I have been together almost 2 years and I am now 18wks pregnant with our first child together so am a little emotional. I guess I just feel like I need to get all this out before I start losing my mind.