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mama_althea's Blog

Unloading and updating- SO maybe seeing a tiny sliver of the light

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Sometimes I blog here without a question or a purpose...just to get some poison out of my system and also serve as a running chronology of our lives (it’s been interesting for me to go back and read and see what has changed and what has not). Anyway, this is one of those times.

There is nowhere else I can say this...

mama_althea's picture


My good God what a whiny-ass effing brat. From hell.

Gah. I'm on my phone and the website is all tiny and difficult to read or post on, so that's all I have right now. If anyone else would like to join me, please feel free. Oh, and I may have had several beers...but seriously who the fuck could blame me?

Short general rant followed by larger OT rant/?'s about SO signing his life away to BM

mama_althea's picture

I am so...just...I don't sick of everything I don't even have words for it.

I literally laid in bed all weekend and now I'm disgusted with myself for letting myself react that way and waste so much time. Usually I remove myself from the premises on weekends, but I didn't even have the strength for that this weekend. Now it's getting where we have SD 1-3 nights per week and every weekend, because it's all great for SO to get SD when it's convenient for BM, but if it's not BM's specific request, she's got one hand on the phone ready to call 911 for child abduction.

SD's proud moment this weekend...and my own moment of being proud of her (sarcasm warning)

mama_althea's picture

By the time I got home Saturday, SD7 was already at the house. She came running up to show off her...wait for it...shiny silver tooth! Yay! One of her rotten teeth had to be replaced with an entire silver tooth and she's proud of her new tooth! It matches her new pierced ears! Hurray! She had some other work done, but nothing as cool as her silver tooth.

I do appreciate that she felt like running up to me to tell me something, I guess, so there's something good. And I guess it's good that she can make a silver lining (get it?) out of the black cloud of her dental hygiene.

I'm pulling a low rent Crew right now

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While it wasn't my Dad who swooped in to save the day, and while my week hasn't been as bad as a lot of people's here...on my way home from the longish drive to drop my son off to his dad, I was so tired and overcome with stress and tears that I went ahead and pulled into a motel and checked in.

It's crappy and dingy and maybe 1 1/2 stars. I got some 1/2 price Easter candy and a toothbrush at the Walgreens next door and a soda out of the vending machine. They do allow pets, but in order to avoid the extra charge I snuck my 90 pound dog in through a side entrance.

Tell us your own Itty-Bitty Booklight Moments

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Is it uncool to bump up your own blog? I'm gonna do it anyway. Then tomorrow when I have time I'm going to change my avatar pic to an Itty-Bitty Booklight since the one I have right now is one I threw up there real quick after I went to all the trouble of making one of my dogs.

Anyway, the Itty-Bitty Booklight is my Mockingjay (Hunger Games reference for the symbol of your fight). What's yours?

My Itty-Bitty Petty Rant about my Itty-Bitty Booklight

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First of all, it helps to know that an Itty-Bitty Booklight is exactly what it sounds like. It's an itty-bitty light you clip onto the book you're reading so that you can read at night (or if you're getting old eyes like me it just helps you read). Second of all, it helps to know that reading is my "thing". It's my hobby, my stress reliever, and my soul filler. Third, there will eventually be a relevant point to this story.
