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mama_althea's Blog

How I repulsed the girls at work today

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All I did was demonstrate how SD let out a wet, snotty sneeze while playing my son's new video game. And then rub her left hand up the front of her left nostril and her right hand up her right nostril, one side at a time. And then pick up the (white) Wii controller and continue playing. And then stop to blow her nose on the side of her shirt. Between this and what I hope were her chocolatey fingers, the Wii remote was brown smudged and sticky. My poor son whispered to me that he was afraid to touch the controller.

Logging in for a Rant

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I have been trying very hard not to log in because it keeps me from getting work done. Pretty proud of my willpower on this. But since this site is also my blog, I'm checking in. Looking back through it and seeing the evolution in my house has been interesting for me.


The fairy struck again...

mama_althea's picture

Remember me? Some fairy broke into our home and wrote with marker on SD's furniture? Including her first and last name yet FDH tried to say it wasn't her? Yeah, that was me.

So Saturday morning I went in her room and now there is marker on her curtains, on more walls than before, and even on her bare mattress. For some reason all her covers are off the bed. It is a butterfly and a scribble on the curtains, but her first and last name on the walls and mattress.

This is the worst thing BM has done...

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This is the worst thing BM has done, even with once having tried to kill me with her bare hands.

She made all kinds of noises about moving far, far away...and then didn't.

I knew better than to get my hopes up, but I couldn't help myself. This is almost as dissapointing as that time when the DNA results arrived and confirmed SD was his bio-child (even BM wasn't confident she was).

And the award for best actress since the dawn of humankind goes to...

mama_althea's picture


For her stellar portrayal of loving, concerned girlfriend when FDH came home and morosely told her that BM is planning to move far, far away with SD and he'll never see her again.

So while I was doing my inner happy dance, I consoled him with talk of Skype and spring break and Christmas vacation and weeks at a time during the summer. He felt better, I think. But then my elation fell as I realized that nothing BM says like this comes true, usually.

Some kind of fairy broke into our house...

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...according to FDH.

Because someone wrote all over SD's bedroom furniture in marker (again). He concurs that the places in which her entire first and last name are written were probably done by her. But someone else must have done the rest because there are full, complete sentences and she wouldn't have done that. According to SD, they were going to let her skip second grade, but I guess she's still not capable of writing a sentence. The handwriting doesn't match? Well, let's bring in the forensic experts then, FDH.

just sharing a smirky moment

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SD is with us this week because BM just got out of the hospital for some reason or other. I guess it's a testament to FDH that he didn't bother to ask why...just said that it was too bad she didn't die.

So after SD's dinner of just french fries she comes whining to FDH she's thirsty. He kind of crossly told her to go get herself a drink, then as she pouted off I heard him mutter, "I'm not going to get every g-d damned thing for you, sheesh". Kinda regretting having created a monster, are ya, FDH?

My undies must be un-bunching...

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...because things that would have had me posting here in an outrage a year ago seem to not faze me as much.

Oh, SD is back with us because BM is in jail again? Meh. Whatever.

BM's mother, whom I barely know, parked her car in our driveway (rather than BM's driveway because she does not trust her own daughter) for 3 days without asking anyone while she took Skids to a wedding out of state? Meh. Kinda rude, but whatever.

SD spoke to everyone in the house except me? Yay for me. Whatever.

SO brushes off SD's crappy behavior? Yep. Whatever.

Thoughts on Disengagement and how it is a continually changing target

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Most of this is a cut and paste from a reply to someone in the Forums section. I decided to put it in my blog because a) it was a helpful revelation for me and b) I spent a long time typing it to just lose it forever.

I had started to disengage before I knew the word for it. Now thinking back, I wasn't disengaging so much as plain old avoiding SD. I never really tried to do "mom" things for her, other than include her in our regular plans and meals. So I didn't have that to quit doing. I did used to play with her and do crafts with her, so that did change.
