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The fairy struck again...

mama_althea's picture

Remember me? Some fairy broke into our home and wrote with marker on SD's furniture? Including her first and last name yet FDH tried to say it wasn't her? Yeah, that was me.

So Saturday morning I went in her room and now there is marker on her curtains, on more walls than before, and even on her bare mattress. For some reason all her covers are off the bed. It is a butterfly and a scribble on the curtains, but her first and last name on the walls and mattress.

A little while later FDH comes in alone from having picked her up. She was out front playing. So I said, "by the way, now there's marker on her curtains, the walls, and the mattress. Didn't you talk to her about it?" He hems and haws about how he didn't get a chance, blah blah blah. I evidently was in the mood to argue and told him he had plenty of chances, he just chooses not to deal with anything. Then he shouts he'll deal with it ans turns around to storm out of the house. I stopped him and told him if you just go out and freak all out on her she's not going to hear what you're saying, she's just going to think you're mean (this has happened before: she repeatedly does something wrong, he says nothing for the longest time, then pops off and yells at her, she only hears yelling and cries that he's mean).

Plus, I didn't like he was mad at ME. So I went on a rant about how come he lets her do whatever the fuck she wants and I'm the bad guy for saying someting? That he knows I'm plenty laid back about the house, but she's 8 years old and KNOWS it's wrong to write on the walls and furniture, so it's just disrespectful of this home that she just doesn't care and does it anyway. And that last time I mentioned it he even denied she did it- to which he interrupted that he only said she didn't do PART of it. I said, no unfortunately I yelled, "That's bull-fucking-shit!!" Not one of my finer points in an argument. It degenerated a little further, mostly to where it seemed like I was blowing up over some stupid markering, which kept pissing me off worse that he thought that, and he said he'd handle it appropriately.

I didn't really see either of them the rest of the weekend- either they were out or I was out. I'm still so pissed that all he got out of this is that I was harping. But I really want to know what, if anything, he said to her. Yet if I ask about it, it's like I'm obsessing over the damn markers.

Oh, and as long as I'm bitching here...Saturday night I went out with some friends for a long-standing tradition of ours for Halloween. I reminded him he could come with (he has before), and he acted all exasperated that he had "all these kids he had to take care of". SS16 had a couple friends over, and I guarantee they were tethered to the Xbox downstairs and FDH didn't catch a glimpse of them unless they came up to use the bathroom (pretty sure at 16 they can do that on their own). So he had SD and the boys downstairs. Big. Fat. Hairy. Deal.


RedWingsFan's picture

Wow, so sorry you're having to deal with that kind of behavior at her age. And the fact that her father really isn't doing a damn thing about it.

No advice other than this kid should not have access to anything that can mar up walls or furniture. And Dadddddyyyy needs to grow a pair and discipline his kid!

Jsmom's picture

All markers should be locked up....Deface my house and I warn you your ass will be black and blue...Complete BS that it is have been allowed to continue. Go through her room and clean everything out of it. She deserves nothing....If you can't take care of it. Put the mattress on the floor and leave her nothing!!!!!

You have to deal with it now, before this gets worse.

Willow2010's picture

Ok…now this is how I would handle it with my DH. (actually have done this a few times).

Tell DH that you will not complain about the crap that SD does at your house anymore. fully expect him to fix anything that the little twit has damaged. And it must be fixed within the week. Sounds fair! He does not listen to you complain about his kid and you get the damage fixed. If you can get him to agree with this,,,,your life will change!

He needs to go paint her room…he needs to buy a new mattress. He needs to by a new bed stand…ect.ect.ect. Then you sit back and watch the show. I guarantee that once he has to take responsibility for the damage, he will start trying to be a parent.

mama_althea's picture

Maybe this is why he thinks I'm making a big deal over nothing...I truly DON'T complain about all the crap she does. Seriously. I am way disengaged. So when I do say something, it must sound like it's out of the blue.

I think instead of asking him to deal with her, I will do what you suggest. Just matter of factly say, please fix/replace xyz. Then there's nothing for him to defend or make excuses for. He is more of an action guy than words, so this might get through to him better.

mama_althea's picture

So you guys don't think I'm making a mountain out of a molehill? FDH is making me feel that way. I tried explaining that it's just part of the bigger picture that she treats our home like shit. Maybe BM tells her things that make her have no respect for us, but that doesn't mean she should get to act this way.

I fixed up a fairly nice room for her. Emptied out a bedroom that had been my spare/office room, put in a pretty comforter and curtains, a TV, etc. It needed to be repainted and we promised her that it would be painted pretty. In the meantime, she has not only done this more than twice, but all the covers are stripped off the bed and you literally cannot see the floor with clothes,crap and garbage. I can't figure out how it got this way when she doesn't even live with us. She managed this just on weekends.

I am disengaged, so I normally just stay out of there. I do have stuff stored in the closet, so I occasionally need to go in there, and the last time I had to go in there because I could hear her tv blaring even though she hadn't been there in a couple days. The internet router is in there because it used to be my office, a few times I've had to go in there to reset it and seriously almost broke my neck. Saturday it was just out of curiosity.

I'm not kidding when I say the mess does not bother me. It's not my problem. My son's room is a mess. Hell, my room often is a mess. My standards are not high. But a mess can be cleaned up. Some of this markering was in SHARPIE. The rest might be washable, but it still leaves behind colored shmears. And it's not going to wash out of the curtains. Even still, those are just 'things'. I don't sweat over many 'things'. I do get upset about a crappy, disrespectful action, especially when done 4 times now.

I know I'm preaching to the choir here...but I've also got to vent. And, like I said, make sure I'm not making a mountain out of a molehill.

RedWingsFan's picture

Not making it bigger than what it is at all in my opinion. I'd be livid if SD14 did this kind of shit in my home and you bet your ass I'd be on DH to fix it and discipline her.

You shouldn't have to live with her defacing your property, regardless of her father's lack of balls to correct her.

You could do as someone here mentioned - remove EVERYTHING from her room except a bed with a pillow and blanket. She's already written on the mattress. Let her earn her things back. One week without any marks on anything gets her a dresser back. The next, gets the tv back. Whatever works.

That's what we've done with SD14. Just let her know that if she can't take care of things properly, she won't have anything to fuck up!!!!!!!!!!!

mama_althea's picture

Yay. I haven't had a fix of Foxie in a long ass time. I'm all fired up to deal with is now Biggrin

mama_althea's picture

Well, you know I'm not going to do it. But you did smack me upside the head with some quit-tippy-toeing-around-and-get-some-common-sense-back-in-your-damn-brain and, like I said, got me all fired up instead of second guessing over this trivial bullshit.

mama_althea's picture

Except that would mean physically touching her, which I can't stomach. Now spray painting from an acceptable distance...

mama_althea's picture

Just picturing taping the box shut and dropping it off at the post office.

(kidding, people, just kidding)

RedWingsFan's picture

Oh but my DH said I was "too blunt" and "too harsh" when his brat disrespected me in my own home and I told her to get the fuck out if she didn't want to behave and be respectful.

I agree with you Wayinovermyhead - be a drill sergeant! I swear some kids don't get it unless you're tough with them!