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LizGrace65's Blog

Who Comes First (originally written 6/28/2010, 7:48 AM)

LizGrace65's picture

So, much has been made of your father telling you that you don't come first with him anymore, I do.

Let's be clear.

You didn't just come first with him, you came first with both of us. And we continued to put you first for many years, even when you continued to screw up and we were both so frustrated we didn't know what to do with you.

We continued, both of us, to put you first, right up until the day you walked out of our house to avoid behaving responsibly.

Things You Don't Know (originally written 6/28/2010, 7:48 AM)

LizGrace65's picture

So your mother decided to call your grandmother and tell her how she doesn't know anything about your father blah blah blah. The two of you live in such a fantasy. Here's reality: your mother hasn't been anywhere near your father in many years, so she knows nothing. And you say whatever you need to at any given time in order to make yourself look good and somebody else look like the bad guy, so you can't be trusted. So whatever the two of you have to say at this point is pretty much crap.
