LizGrace65's Blog
OT - Old Spice Guy
Anybody get a kick out of those commercials for Old Spice with the "old spice guy" (look at your man... now back to me... now back to your man...)
Apparently he has some competition. Too funny!
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BM wants to leave the country
This is the back story...
BM, SS, and SO are all immigrants to the US - they came when SS was around 4 years old.
BM walked out on SO and SS when SS was around 9. SO and SS moved in with me not long after. It was very early in my relationship with SO to take that step (like, a couple of months). But they were about to be outdoors, and I've always been the type to err on the side of rushing into things rather than wondering later what could have been.
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When Does Childhood End?
In my opinion, growing up is a process. There is not a magic day on which a human being (*bing*!!!) goes from being a child to being an adult. It is nonsensical to conclude that someone's behavior must be excusable or could not possibly be malicious because they are a "child" - because there is no clear definition of a child. Because, again, there is no (***BING***!!!) magic day when a person goes from "child" instantly to "adult."
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So disgusted with SS15 and ridiculous BM
The wake / funeral for SS15's friend who was killed was 6 to 8 today at a local church.
SO has been going over to the family's house every day since last Thursday when we found out the boy had died from injuries sustained in a crash over the holiday weekend which killed the friend who was driving and seriously injured the two other young men in the car.
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BM asks grieving mother what they're going to do with the body.
BM finally took SS over to the house of his friend who died, to pay his respects to the parents. BM walked in, went over to the grieving mother, and the first words out of her mouth were, "What are you doing to do with the body? Are you going to bury it here or send it back to (home country)?"
What an insensitive c***. Sorry for the use of that word, but that's disgusting. She didn't even say "I'm sorry" or anything first.
SO was not there at the time - BM's cousin was there and told SO what happened.
Childhood Friend of SS15 Killed in Car Accident
My SO found out today that a friend of SS's was killed in a crash over the holiday weekend. SS lived with us full time until 2 weeks ago. He didn't have many friends come around. This friend was very close with SS when I was first with my SO, and is the only one who SS ever had "sleepovers" with. They grew apart and had different friends more recently, so I haven't really seen this young man in quite some time, but we would still occasionally hear how he was doing. He had just gotten his first job, and was very good at soccer.
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New and Angry
That pretty much sums me up right now. New to the site, and so angry it's actually difficult to communicate. Relieved at the same time though, because SS 15 just left again. He lived with me and DH for almost 6 years and his mother didn't even get overnight visitation because she is incapable of holding steady employment and maintaining a permanent address suitable for him to stay at. She didn't pay any CS - DH didn't ask for it. I don't have any bio kids, and I make good money, so SS had it really good with us. Everything revolved around him.
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Long Weekend (originally written 7/5/2010, 10:18 AM)
It's been a very nice holiday weekend. Hot, yes. But it stays pretty cool here in the house, up under the trees. I've kept the windows open and the fans on so the breeze blows through. And there's always the air conditioning in the bedroom if it gets that bad - which it hasn't.
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Peace and Quiet (originally written 6/30/2010, 11:27 AM)
It's been so nice in the house the past several days. No worrying about checking to see whether you're doing what you should be doing. That's not my problem anymore.
Of course, there's still the occasional call from your mother. The two of you don't really seem to understand that we don't care anymore what you think and we're not interested in interacting with you. You've made your choices and we've told you goodbye and good luck. Why the continued efforts to engage?
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My House (originally written 6/28/2010, 10:11 AM)
Today I completely finished ensuring that all of your things, and *only* your things, are confined in your room. Hard as it is to believe, I have completely had enough. I wanted any reminders of you put away so that they aren't a part of my environment, so that I can enjoy my life without being reminded of your nastiness and your drama. And while I was putting your things away in your room, I also made sure to take any items of mine *out* of your room. Because you're no longer entitled to have use of anything that's mine, seeing as how you're not interested in respecting me.
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