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Living the dream's Blog

O Lord, hear my confession

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I do not love my husband's children. I care about them, in a way, but I do not love them. Unlike my husband, I am not sad when they are not here.

I don't wish this, because if it happened it would kill my husband, but it would not bother me personally to never see any one of them again. And they are not really bad kids; they are just not MY kids.

All the special meals I have made for them, Lord; all the shopping for birthday and Christmas gifts and remembering special days, because their father is clueless. Making sure that the oldest one's college bill is paid on time.

Are these men ever worth it?

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I’m at a really low point in my marriage, where I’m sick of my husband always putting BM and his kids before me.

We’ve only been married two years. I definitely don’t respect him, and I’m starting to wonder if I love him anymore. After all the baggage he brought to this relationship, he dares to point the finger at me whenever anything goes wrong, like when I try to set up some boundaries with his BM (I have long since given up on his kids).

Castration by Divorce

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Why do most (not all, but most) men lose their balls in their divorces? Why do they almost always let their ex-wives and kids shit on them forevermore? Even after they create a new family with someone else, these people are usually still shitting on them.

My own DH is highly educated, intelligent and accomplished professionally. He would never take bullshit from a colleague, and he doesn’t take shit from the teenagers in his class, either (he teaches high school).

It's a vagina, not a clown car

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Has anybody else heard of that Duggar family with the reality TV show?

There was a link to an article about them on a major news site today. I clicked it by accident, unfortunately. It seems they are famous for one thing: having 19 kids.

Perhaps I'm extra sensitive because that's the only thing the BM I work to help support has seemingly accomplished: pushing people from her vagina.

DH interrupted lovemaking to take a call from SD17

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I heard his phone beep to signal he received a text message.

Then it rang, and he picked up the phone from the nightstand and saw that it was princess SD17. The fucker took the call. She wanted the password for some dumb game he downloaded to her laptop.

It was obvious I was annoyed after he hung up, and he threw out the "might be an emergency" answer. Yeah, right. His kids wouldn't call him if they had an emergency. They only call us when they want something.

Needless to say, he didn't get any last night. Or this morning. Maybe never again.

Surprised more of our DHs haven't already thought of this! Warning: incredibly gross content

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My DH acts like his two princesses are the epitome of virtuous womanhood, already at ages 16 and 19! But this sick f*** father and daughter really take the cake:

Can this marriage be saved? Better yet, should it be?

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I have been married less than two years, and I’ve been contemplating leaving for about a year.

I’m just tired of everything, and I no longer have a shred of respect left from my husband. From his lack of parenting his three spawn, to being a playboy and not doing his share of the housework, I’ve become unable to see any of my husband’s good qualities (everybody has some, right?).

Consider yourselves warned...(as if you don't already know)

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I posted this in someone else's thread a few minutes ago, but thought I would repost it here for everyone:

I'm starting to learn that a SP is likely to be blamed for everything that goes wrong in a kid's life.

For example, SS13, who I actually have a great relationship with, recently told BM that he hasn't been practicing his drums while at our house because I don't like the noise.

Total fabrication. I'd like him to spend more time on drums and less time staring at screens. I'm actually the one who bought him the drum set, for God's sake!
