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Older but wiser

learningallthetime's picture

I joined here because of what I thought I was dealing with via BM years ago. Having now looked back I realize how much crap I went through solely due to ex. It was in his interest to have me believe his lies and I stood up for him, absolutely believing the BM was horrid. He had the children playing into this, through HIS pas. I never saw it. I am now speaking with ex's BM and it makes so much more sense from her side. I know some of you are dealing with crazy-BM's, but for those of you who wonder why it seems so terrible, please please please take my story as an example. Yes, you may love your SO, and he may seem so reasonable, but if bits do not quite add up, recognize it may be him. My previous BM and I are wondering if we should contact current GF, but she believes his whole story, so we are waiting on the sidelines to help (and no, not an "I told you so" but real help) when she realizes what she is in. I know a lot of you have crazy BM's but please look hard at if it is really a crazy SO!