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Some judges just need a smack in the hit with something VERY hard

learningallthetime's picture

This poor girl was likely taken away for a reason, so just send her back as dad is deployed?!


kathc's picture

Wtf. Cops takes the kid away, he's awarded sole this idiot judge is going to hand her back over to the bm? I hope there's a huge outrage over there and they stop that idiot judge from making such a bad decision.

Rose.Colored.Glasses's picture

'Murica! WTF is wrong with this judge? I just don't understand why this judge would think its okay to do this to this poor man. Would this judge truly hold a soldier in contempt when there's no possible way for him to be then give the BM custody after beinging stripped of it by CPS? There needs to be some backlash for this. This judge obviously has no reason to be on the bench. I'm completely disgusted.

Drac0's picture

Judge is clearly in the wrong. I don't understand her rationale AT ALL for issuing a bench warrant. It's not like Hindes is deliberately flaunting the courts.

That being said, If I were the submarine captain. I'd haul ass back to port. I wouldn't want any of the men serving under me to have to go through this kind of stress.