Last-Wife's Blog
LONG Day but it had a happy ending
We've all been snowed in together most of the week. PITA 19 is still home from college. I just needed a day to myself. I planned to scrapbook all day. Last night, in SDs room, (she's back at school already)I laid out all my papers and supplies all over her bed and desk, and set up my portable work table. I told Loghead I was getting up at 6:15 to try to retrain myself to be ready for work Monday (I'm a teacher) and I would wake up Lazy Boye for his ACT if Loghead would make his breakfast so I could scrapbook.
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A heartfelt THANKS
I just wanted to say "thanks" to all the women who offered me advice and "held my hand" with their advice for my SD and her recent medical scare. After reading what everyone said, I am feeling much better about it. I'm going to take the day off work to go with her the colposcopy. (Was supposed to be a vacation day- thanks snowstorm!- now I do have to work, but I'll take the time to be there with her.
I always know when I need advice, someone is always here...
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Don't know where to start... advice from the medical field would be helpful
without too many details, but we got some SCARY news from Princess 21 today. I'll try to keep this to the point. She has always had serious female troubles, from the time she started in 7th grade. Her cycles would sometimes last for 2 weeks at a time, and she actually went like that for about 2 years before finally telling someone, because she thought it was normal! Even before her period started, she would get UTIs a lot and yeast infections. We always figured it was a result of a not so nice experience that happened to her when she was much younger... ¿Comprendes?
We survived the Big Snow
Princess 21 came home for the weekend with her new boyfriend. PITA 19's girlfriend was over Friday night to meet him and stayed, since the two girls have become friends. And then the snow came... We've been snowed in together since Saturday. Lazy Boye 18 had one major blow up late Saturday afternoon. His anger gets the best of him at times, and he had the nerve to throw in "I can't wait till I leave for boot camp in 5 months and never have to come back here again.
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2014- a long time coming!
The youngest of the skids graduates in 5 months! And 3 weeks after that, he leaves for boot camp. The other 2 skids have already decided to attend summer school, and won't be home much this summer. For the first time in 15 years, I will have a skid free summer! And the crazy ex will be out of my hair!
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Best. Present. Ever.- 15 years too late...
Loca Grande called this week. She and her husband, Gullible, have sold their house and are moving to Florida. 12 states away. They'll stay with family until Lazy Boye graduates in May, and leave after he leaves for boot camp the first week of August. She says now that they are all graduated and in school, and they never want to visit her anyway, she might as well go away and live her own life, the way she wants.
The phone call we prayed for for years! It really is an awesome gift!
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'Other Son" home on Leave!
This has been a wonderful Thanksgiving for our family! "Other Son" got to come home for leave from the Navy! he graduated from his 6 months training on Tuesday, and has 10 days before he has to be at his new station. And he came to stay with us! "Other Son" is the best friend of my 2 SS. We found out last year when he and PITA were seniors how horrible his home life was, he was somewhat abused and abandoned by both of his parents, and we took him into our home. He made life pleasant and fun around here!
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OT- Desperately need help/advice and don't know where else to turn...
Warning- this is about my sex life... or lack there of, so take that as a "spoiler" to decide if you want to read or not... But tonight my DH hinted he might want to move on if it doesn't get better...
Oh, god, I don't even know where to start this conversation. First, I should say that my "real life" girl friends and I don't discuss our sex lives. I think my husband thinks all women sit around like Carrie and Samantha and share everything over drinks. Frankly, I don't know any women who do that.
So glad we didn't listen...
This past Wednesday, Loghead and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary. It hasn't always been easy, but I am so glad I didn't listen to all those people who told me not to marry him or that our marriage would never last.
We work hard at it every damn day. And at least once a day, I want to strangle him. But he's the only person I want driving me crazy.
Princess 21 sent him a text message and wrote, "Daddy, Thank you so much for marrying Last Wife all those years ago. She is the best gift you could have ever given us kids."
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Something I've never told anyone...
Sixteen years ago today, I flew to Dallas with my boyfriend for his family reunion weekend. Where I proceded to dump him, so I could go back to the man I loved... Who is now my DH, Loghead. We officially started dating October 20, 1997...
No one knows I dumped the other guy for loghead... My family might have suspected...
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