Last-Wife's Blog
Argh.... School fundraisers and the stepkid
Lazy Boye 18 is a Senior this year. his small town school still does a Senior trip. They begin collecting class fees in 7th grade, a little at a time, and really ramp up the fundraising junior and senior year. he also gets paid if he works concession/gate at ball games.
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My weekend...
PITA 19 has patched things up with his father- still ignoring me. Fine I can deal with that. He did apologize for his rude behavior to me when he was home about 3 weeks ago, but hasn't talked to me since. I can live with that.
What I can't live with is him being here, and all his girlfriend and all their friends.
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I swear he makes me out to be the "bad guy" on purpose...
PITA 19 has been in college for a month now. Amazing how life at home as changed. But his "sweetie" is still in high school here, so he has only stayed up at school two weekends. When he is here, he makes live miserable. Long story short, "sweetie" is lying to her parents about where she is, and he's been sneaking her into our house late at night. 3 weeks ago when he was home, Loghead told PITA she couldn't stay here anymore. So last weekend, I was up early in the morning, getting ready to go to the gym, and I see the two of them sneaking out of our garage.
OMG- Attention Hog Sicko BM!
Loghead had two deaths in his family in the last five days, due to illness and old age. Loca Grande posted on HER Facebook page to "Pray for my family this week as we deal with our sadness." Someone asked her what was wrong, and she said two family members out in (BLANK) state passed away. SHE'S TALKING ABOUT HIS FRICKIN FAMILY!!!! They've been divorced nearly 17 years! They aren't your family anymore, bitch. Gosh, what an attention whore! Man, I am so pissed...
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Update Needed PLEASE
WWSMD- the StepTalker whose skids cut her hair while she was asleep! Give us an update...
Did you talk to DH? Did he change his tune?
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Good things can happen, people! When we least expect it...
PITA 19 left for college on Thursday. Due to a change of plans, I did not go as part of the move-in process, and he was out all night before with his girlfriend. So I didn't even truly get to say good bye...
But in the days right before he left, PITA asked many times to sit with me, and asked my advice on things, even just silly stuff like, "When should I do my laundry?"
He asked me how to spell my maiden name, and I asked him why. He said one of the school forms asked for "mother's maiden name." "You're my mom. Not her," he said.
Re: Post about BMs encouraging teen sex
I can top that! Not only did the BM I deal with say similar things to all the skids, from the time the oldest was about 14 (so others would have been 12 and 11), she started leaving a basket of condoms on the bathroom counter, and told the skids to take whatever they needed...
When Princess was just starting college and looking for part time work, BM told her that she was so pretty, she should get a job as a stripper!
Seriously. What do you say to this?! I am counting the days down till I don't have to deal with her anymore...
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OMG! Time for a happy dance
I just realized that in 10 days, Lazy Boye will be 18 years old. I will have gotten all the skids to the age of 18, mostly safe and sound. AND I CAN BE DONE WITH LOCA!
In 9 days, I deliver PITA 19 to his college dorm. I don't expect him to visit home much. Once he realizes there is a big world out there, I doubt he'll be back for his HS sweetie.
So really, other than maybe planning Christmas around the skids possibly wanting to visit her (doubtful), I really only have to deal with Loca next May, when Lazy Boye graduates HS.
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Go ahead, screw your kids over again!
Loghead drove with Lazy Boye 17 to the orthodontist today. When they tried to schedule his visit for next month at the end of the appt, the receptionist kept saying they needed to talk to Loca Grande before scheduling the next appointment. Loghead said it's ok, the arrangement is we make the appointments and get him here, and she pays... Then it dawned on him. "Oh..." The doctor stepped back out, having met with Loghead before, and stated she has not made a single payment since last November and he could not continue treatment until a payment was made.
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Advice please- somewhat of the legal nature...
SD Princess 21 was in a horrible car accident when she was 19. The custody papers state that the parent who has custody of the child at the time of an accident will pay for any medical bills incurred during the visit. Princess was in her bio-mom's husband's truck and was on her way to her bio-mom's family reunion. Bio-mom, known as Loca Grande, insisted on taking her to a fancier hospital and said she would pay everything...
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