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LaMareOssa's Blog

I dread it! I'm tired of it! What to do..

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I don't know how to handle this situation anymore. I usually just take it day to day and handle it fine, but I'm dreading it even more today. SD11 comes back this evening from being at her grandparents house for the past week. Normally, BM would get her supervised visits every other weekend, but since BM tried to run the supervisor over, all visits with that facility have been cancelled and will no longer take place. Ever. So, DH lets SD go over to her grandparents house to visit her other brother and sister(grandparents have custody of BM's 2 children) and the rest of BM's family.

Jodi Arias Vs. BM. Vs SD.. Update

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I talked to DH yesterday...Before I could finish he cut me off. I told him I was doing some reading about borderline personality disorder and that it can be genetic. He tells me "I know, and I hate it, but SD is just like BM. I see it. I've seen it. She is just like her mother." DH goes on to tell me that SD has a lot of the same traits that BM has minus the violent outbursts(thus far). I told him I'm glad that he sees it and that he is aware that we have a problem.

Jodi Arias Vs. BM. Vs SD. Oh No.

LaMareOssa's picture

I just realized this morning that DH and I might have HUGE problem on our hands, and I honestly don't know if I'm willing or able to handle it.

BM was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. I've known this and so has DH. DH lived it for quite some time with BM. DH has compared Jodi Arias(BF killer) to BM. DH says that Jodi Arias acts exactly like BM and they both share the same traits. DH even said that Jodi Arias spoke just like BM speaks. DH couldn't handle me watching the trial and I had to change the channel. Anyway..

"Pretend to be happy for one night?"

LaMareOssa's picture

SD11 has gotten on my last nerve.

I'm beyond tired of SD11. She is miserable, moody, sneaky, extremely passive aggressive, and just NOT fun to be around. She LOVESSSS being miserable. She loves trying to get company for her miserable pity party too. "Misery loves company"

I have entired disengaged from her. To the point of not speaking to each other. The feeling is clearly mutual.

My last blog got me thinking about "Staring" Whats up with the creeper stares from SD? Do your Skids stare at you???

LaMareOssa's picture

I'm not talking about a glance, or listening stare. I mean more of a creepier stare/look. Sometimes it's a look of disgust. Most of the time it's just creepy stare. Full blown stare and sometimes I get the corner of her eye stare. She's not studying me. It's just weird and actually uncomfortable when she does the sneaky or corner of her eye stare.

I was checking on the kids outside playing in the yard and when I glanced out the sliding glass door screen, SD11 was staring at me from across the yard.. Like she was watching me in the kitchen. It was strange.

Is this strange to you? How would you handle it? Thoughts??

LaMareOssa's picture

SD11 is one of those people who thinks "I don't want you, but I don't want anyone else to have you, either." Or "if I'm not having fun, you shouldn't either." With that said.. I'm having some issues with that and her behavior.

DD7 would do anything for SD11, even though the feeling is far from mutual on SD's part. I think she would enjoy it if DD just disappeared. She seems indifferent about DS4. And just so there is no confusion, DD7 and DS4 are my only children and they were with DH.

DH and SD11 were being idiots..I called them out on it. They didn't like it.

LaMareOssa's picture

Last night I was in the kitchen making dinner. DH walks in from work. SD11 walks in and hands DH a survey he needed to fill out for school. This survey is about how the parent feels about the school, teacher, activities, principal, etc.. I filled one out for DD a couple days ago. DH fills it out and one of the questions was "How much does your child enjoy school?" DH put a 5(Strongly agree)

=( I'm just lost.

LaMareOssa's picture

I don't know how to handle this anymore. I think I have disengaged as much as I possibly can. I thought it would help. I thought it might help me keep my sanity. I thought it would be better this way. In someways it has, but in other ways I'm not sure anymore. SD11 seems to be very messed up. For many years I thought it was because of her psychotic mother, but now I'm seriously thinking that SD is just messed up as a person. Someone on here told me not too long ago that a lot of personality traits are genetic. I am a firm believer in that now.
