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Lalena75's Blog

Oh joy we're all off to court

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SO actually followed through and has spent the day filling out the contempt papers and papers for cs. I am apparently off to court as well for my exh contempt for arrears so I filled those out today (SO's way of saying fine he'll do what he has to if I hold my exh accountable we go through CSE so I don't see how contempt will help but whatever). I fill out the papers and get the mail, I just got served exh is attempting to modify to pay even less cs because.

It was obvious now it's proof

Lalena75's picture

SO picks up the kids from school (half day) both kids backpacks are full of the clothes and jackets we've been sending back for a month! (we always send them to school in/with what they wore when we got them) I knew Bm never checks their backpacks, teachers figured no one on BM's time checks their back packs. They only see what the kids take out when they get home (which means they forget homework, behavior charts etc) but make sure BM see sign ups for field trips and after school fun stuff.

SO and Halloween

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BM asked for the kids on Halloween it falls on SO's week and there is nothing in the CO. He ignored her request and she sent a text tirade over the next 24 hours how she's going to take him back to court and he'll never see his kids again. He ignored her.

When kids are excited over a doctors visit

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skids had their first visit with their new doc today BM has repeated withheld preventative regular medical care as far as we know. These kids have not seen a primary care pediatrician since they were both infants (guessing 5 years) only getting shots at the health dept and BM taking them to the ER.

Late and in pain can't sleep brain won't shut up

Lalena75's picture

So in case you can't tell SO and I are reconciling. He has agreed to my terms so to speak and is actively working on understanding my boundary issue and the importance of it. 3 dozen roses, and my favorite candy bar (6 of them lol) kinda helped, that and his mom, and sisters agreed with me made him see what I was needing wasn't unreasonable. He was very apologetic, remorseful and even went to my kids and asked them if they would also accept his apology for hurting their mother and give him another chance.

Need help as a BM (probably long)

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Last night my ds came home from the weekend at his dads. My ds is 12, a good kid, smart, a comedian of almost adult humor (not inappropriate just kids don't get it adults do but he needs to know when to stop), he's charming,loves to read, and will help me study because he likes to learn wht I'm learning,he's generally lazy not that he lays about but it will do everything he can to not have to do things that are not what he wants to be doing right now. He however always has an excuse for poor choices, breaking rules, not doing or turning in his homework.

Any moment now

Lalena75's picture

Waiting for either SO to forward me texts or come home and tell me all about BM flipping out. Why because I had SO take his dd to get a haircut before picture day. She looked like a homeless bum her hair a birds nest and she has really pretty hair when it's taken care of ( used to be beautiful until 8 months of lice treatment) so I had him get long layers cut with a little trim, she had all one length long blunt cut from BM hacking her hair boy short. Now it's just below her shoulders and needed something done. SO wanted me to take her and I wasn't having that.

I asked SO to leave and even packed him, BM is maybe being arrested as we speak

Lalena75's picture

I have a line I'm not willing to bend on. Something that to me is essential to a good strong trusting relationship. I've discussed it with SO the first time there was crossing of this line I explained why it was important and a deal breaker. He acted like he got it. Then did it again this time it was plain and simple if this happens again we're done. He did it again I asked him to leave and packed him up when he though I was "acting crazy knock it off" I was polite and calm, he screamed and called me crazy.

Not even skids week and it's sucked (long rant)

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So since Sunday we've dealt with stupid crap from both fronts (mine and SO's) First my exh; Fri exh is late getting ds, no text, no call, 15 min go by nada. Usually I text a "hey you getting kids?" but I'm really sick and tired of that so I did nothing. 30 min late nada and ds is hugging the dog mumbling his dad forgot him so SO takes him outside to play catch (ds is 12) ds says if his dad is an hour late he's not going.
