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kathleen's Blog

We need your opinions (my husband and I)

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For those of you who know about our troubles with the stepkids, a brief synops. DH has met with the counselor and BM to work towards fixing the relationship with the kids. They agreed to "have 3 good days" over the holidays instead of the regular 2 week visitation per the degree. The kids agreed to come over on the 26th, even though my last contact with SD was an email stating that I was not to write to her or respond to the email she wrote. I honored it, but it was difficult.

I believe

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I listened to these words last night and thought how beautiful, and I wanted to share with all of you. To those who need faith, support, love or just a little break. Happy New Year to all of you with all the love in my heart, read on...

Hello I'm back with a few questions for you all.

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For those of you who know my story, I finally agreed to go back to counseling. So this time I went to the skids counselor with my husband. I thought before hand that I would keep my mouth shut and see what he had to say. I was pretty convinced from the things I had heard about the sessions with BM, DH and skids that this counselor may not be seeing things as they really are.

Please just let me vent!!!

kathleen's picture

I want to scream. This situation with my DH kids and his fricken ex-wife is bringing me to tears. SD as you read in last post, has again repeated that I should attend counseling, today I received an email asking me to not email her or respond to the one she wrote. If I have questions I can ask (my husbands name). No she does say dad she uses his name. I need to say this. We are Damn good people. Upstanding, healthy, successful, kind, educated, well traveled. You would think we were sinners, child molesters, abusers. I can think of nothing other than her mother's support.

Got any suggestions?

kathleen's picture

The last time DH went to counseling with the kids. BM sat in between the kids on the couch while DH sat in a chair opposite of them. Metaphorically, I think it says it all. (yes my opinion all along is PAS) So this time. DH asked the counselor if BM could not participate in this session so that he would have alone time to talk to the kids. So....when the kids arrived, the first thing SD said is, "Dad, keeping Mom away isn't going to change our opinions". Why couldn't Bm just keep her mouth shut and say this time you are going alone with Dad, and support it?

I'm excited so I want to share with you guys

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I'm the only one on this site right now. Thanks to an incurable state of insomnia. Something has to give. So I've been writing away, commenting etc. and really connecting to you all from yesterday's conversations. Usually I blog about my troubles and I know we do love to hear positive things.

I'm pretty excited right now and it has nothing to do with being a step parent or having step children, I just want to share. Okay with you????

Anyone raising an only child?

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Since my step kids are older, and since they refuse to come over or be nice to their little sister, my 2 year old with their dad (for those of you who don't know), I feel like I'm raising an only child. It pains me so much. As a child myself I always believed that it wasn't a good thing to grow up without siblings. I've had a couple of miscarriages trying to have another, and frankly I think I might have missed the boat. I'm 43.

Bad birthmom

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I've been thinking.... You guys don't have to respond. You might think I'm a BM in disguise, an anon. But, if you know me, you know I don't really like my step-wife. However, every time I read a post, the BM is ALWAYS the bitch. I'm not saying she's not. I'm just saying, are we just griping because this is our place to vent, or do we really blame everything on them? Tell me what you think if you aren't too mad at me already.

Am I unreasonable?

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I have no idea what I am doing anymore. DH came home from counseling today with the ex and kids, bad bad bad. I don't even want to go into the details. I just don't know what to do anymore. I told my husband tonight that I didn't want to go to counseling with the kids. They apparently said I should attend. Why? So they can tell me they don't like me, that I am emotionally abusive, that I am a bad mother and a bad person. That is what they told him tonight. I am not those things and just because they have been given license to say their mind doesn't mean I should have to listen.

Happy post

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Yesterday turned into a very nice anniversary. We went out to a friend's ranch where we got married with some of our extended family. We rode horses, sat around the pool to watch the sunset and drank white wine. (sorry no red was offered). Then we drove home and on the drive we had one of those "real" talks. It was great. Sometimes when we feel so far apart and the gap seems to divide us, we really aren't that far away as we think. When we talked we saw how we were both thinking and feeling the same way and yes it brought us closer. So very good for us.
