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Bad birthmom

kathleen's picture

I've been thinking.... You guys don't have to respond. You might think I'm a BM in disguise, an anon. But, if you know me, you know I don't really like my step-wife. However, every time I read a post, the BM is ALWAYS the bitch. I'm not saying she's not. I'm just saying, are we just griping because this is our place to vent, or do we really blame everything on them? Tell me what you think if you aren't too mad at me already.


Colorado Girl's picture

of all that is wrong in my life. I am a biomom as well and trust me, I get along with my ex-husband and have gotten along with his girlfriends in the past. Life can be peaceful.

I would not like this woman regardless. If I worked with her, if she was my brother's girlfriend, if she was a mutual friend's friend, if she were my taxi cab driver, if she did my nails or hair, etc, etc, I know I wouldn't like her. I didn't like her when I knew her before I even thought of dating my husband. Like I stated before she is a "manifestation of everything I hate in a person".

It's not because she's my husband's ex-wife or my skids' mother, it's because she is a horrible person.
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."

kathleen's picture

I like what you said Cruella. I was thinking the other day. This whole situation is like making chili. There are many spices that are included which are necessary to make it taste right. Some of the ingredients can change, meat, beans, soy, etc. If one of the ingredients is missing, say cumin, (the mom making a mess) it doesn't taste good. This thought was more thought out than I'm explaining here but I think it is not just one ingredient that makes it taste right or wrong, but several, in harmony with eachother, blending, and making it taste, delicious, okay, or really really bad. But, we can't toss and try again. We have to add salt.

kathleen's picture

I should have known my dear confidants, Colorado girl and daddysgurl would respond. Have you ever been to counseling and thought, Geez, I don't need to go anymore, but you sit down in front of the counselor telling her that very thought. An hour later, exhausted after talking your heart out, you think, wow I guess I did have something to say after all. That is how I felt today. I don't need this. It is negative, I need positive affirmation. I need to think positively. If I constantly complain, I will never get to nirvana. Okay thank you for reminding me that I really do have a lot to say and I really really really love you guys. And yes, "she" may be cute, sound nice, say all the right things. But she CAN and IS OFTEN a total bitch and she, I think, glorifies in it. So be it said.

Sita Tara's picture

Here's the rub... though I know that my existence upsets BM guess what? She's crazy (for real) and being so she creates a fantasy world in which I don't exist. We come on here to vent about our H's crazy ex's true. BUT... for me anyway, what drives me most crazy about her craziness (sorry for the redunancy here) is the fact that she CONSUMES most of my waking thoughts (and some of my sleeping ones as well.) I dream all the time that we are talking and she is like a child I'm trying to warm up to me. Does she live this way???? Likely not. So my main struggle is why I give her so much power. Is she really making me miserable or am I?

When my kids are with their dad/SM I don't worry about them wonder if their ok. If they're not, either they or their other set of parents will alert me. But with SD? She could be missing all night and her mom would wait til the last minute to let us know B/c she's afraid to look bad. And BM is on my mind b/c...

First of all SD is her mother's daughter a great deal of the time.So it's like BM lives here. But then there are those moments. Last night I found a paper while cleaning some trash out of her room. She is practicing writing monologues b/c that's what I do. She wants to be like me b/c she does think I am a good person. She wrote a really thoughtful one about her life. This was a few weeks ago. She said bad things about her parents marriage, the divorce, her relationship with her mom... but then she said, "The best thing to come out of it was dad marrying my SM. She loves me like I was her own daughter." This was not something she intended me to see.

So BM goes about her life in fantasy reality is tough. But I'll take it- the good with the bad, if SD does somehow get it deep in her heart.

Peace, love, and red wine

Colorado Girl's picture

BM consumes my life as well. I was lying awake this morning thinking about the proposal DH gave her last week. I was thinking of ALL seven places (I think) that she's lived in the past two years and trying to remember the dates so I could write them down. Not really for a reason, just in case this latest mediation goes past mediation. I realized that every time she moved it was to be closer (or actually in with) some guy. So there I was, not sleeping and just frustrated. I swayed my thoughts before I reached obsession mode, like my counselor taught me, and was able to fall back asleep.
I realize that not a day goes by that she isn't heavy on my mind. I live in constant...not really fear, but anticipation. When DH calls and says, "you're not gonna believe this..." followed by BM said or did something insane. She's insane. Textbook as a matter of fact. And here I am trying to adapt to her and that makes me a little crazy too. (Anybody read about the haircut dilemma???) I really hate that she has this effect on me.

I'm right ther with you zenmom, because I'm positive that right now, she isn't thinking about me or what havoc she's caused.

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."

Sita Tara's picture

It's true. That's why SD isn't allowed to talk about us or even her baby sister over there. They bond over petty catty things only- see my post "drama- you'd think I'd like it since I have a BA in theatre." I don't respond to that b/c I don't like people who focus their whole life on making others jealous of them.

Ironically, I do think BM is jealous of me. Otherwise why would she tell SD I'm fat (never that I'm ugly interestingly enough- just fat.) And you know? I am a lot heavier than when I met DH- haven't lost it since having my toddler. BUT...BM isn't much smaller- 10 lbs maybe. So I know she just has a need to put me down to SD. I know my existence kills her self esteem. SO that helps...

But...her existence isn't what bothers me. JUST her lack of saneness.

I don't know how to fix my thoughts. Except I still recommend EAT PRAY LOVE to everyone. It's helping me a TON. Elizabeth Gilbert is a wonderful witty writer. It's a lot about Eastern Philosophy ,quieting the mind, letting of attachment to outcome. That's the biggest one to overcome I think.

Peace, love, and red wine

Colorado Girl's picture

I really don't mind that she exists either...I just wish she would shut up. I don't know what my ex-husband is doing half the time. I really don't even care...I didn't even know he was moving into a house until the kids told me. But BM...I could probably tell you what they had for dinner last night. I'll either hear it from the girls, DH, BMs mom or sister, or BM herself. I'm trying to disengage, but when she spirals out of control DH has to pick up the pieces. She moves constantly and we ALWAYS have to argue about it because she always tries to yank them out of school and I AM SO SICK of it. ((((((Sigh))))) I'm rambling now.....

It's so funny that yours calls you fat, BM has referred to me as fat b*tch numerous times. Told me once that I looked fat in the shorts I was wearing. Now mind you, I am not fat. Don't get me wrong, I'mm not skinny either but I'm not fat. She weighs 95 lbs so ANYONE is fat compared to her. But why even comment on it? I don't resort to calling her skinny b*tch when I get mad.

We are so opposite of each other, I really think my husband sought out a person that was everything she wasn't. Even down to our hair color. It just makes it soooo hard for me to understand where she's coming from sometimes. Luvdagirl has the best signature "there is no reason where logic doesn't exist..."....

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."

Sita Tara's picture

SD used to talk incessantly about BM during the case. We would be diving in the car and she would say, "Mom likes that store, mom ate 130shrimp at all you can eat shrimp at Red Lobster the other said she wants to move to Florida" (yea! but no follow through on that one Sad When grocery shopping and she would tell me, "Mom loves ready bacon, mom hates eggs, mom loves cinnamon toast on Saturdays..." Ugh. It does make it hard to get them out of your mind!

So one day after the grocery store and many "that's nice" answers from me, SD said, "I have been talking about my mom too much huh." I said, "Well...I think you just might want to think about what is worthy of sharing. I mean if you want to say, "Mom an I had fun at the movie" then that's a nice thing to share. But since I am doubtful I will ever be making your mother breakfast I might not need to hear, "Mom likes ready bacon, no eggs and a side of cinnamon toast!" Sd thought this was hillarious and it got much better after that Smile
Peace, love, and red wine

Stepmom_C's picture

I'm not sure if it's time or what. One day (not too long ago actually)I made the conscious decision to stop. I got to thinking that it was really pathetic that I was allowing myself to be brought into the drama. What DH and I did was make a pact to stop discussing anything relating to her and the stepkids unless it was an emergency. If DH has "drama" via a phone call, text or whatever - he now simply deletes it unless it is important. Yes, it's REALLY HARD. My family started telling me I was adding to the drama by letting it comsume me and the only people I was hurting was myself and my BD. I simply stepped back and refocused my energy on my daughter. Yes, I love my stepdaughters and I'm dedicated to loving them and helping them grow. I'm a custodial stepmom that raises them. But we can't control ANYTHING that happens during her custody time. I used to document everything and just decided to stop. The BM in my case is also very controlling, bipolar without meds, very very similar to your stories. But a strange thing happened - I started focusing on everything in my home, putting more into my DH and my relationship, letting go of all the small things she does to drive me crazy...then she actually got better.

Keep in mind "BETTER" is relative. She still does stupid things that could potentially harm the kids (leaves them in the car while she grocery shops etc...)But overall she spends a little more time with them during visitation. She even came to the majority of their sports activites this year (never has in the past). The more I backed off from certain things (school is one example...she loves being the party mom so I just quit volunteering) the situation actually improved.

Will I ever like her? NO NO and NO
Do I love my stepdaughters with all my heart? YES YES YES
They are a part of her no matter how "bad" she is. They know she's not the perfect mom but they want to see the good in her desperately because kids feel like they are half of their parents and they don't want to belive they (themselves) are overall bad so they must hold on to the notion that their parents are good.

Sorry I'm rambling now. Colorado Girl - I think you are great and it's a tough situation. Hopefully with some time and a pact with your husband you can get past all this. Focus on why he married you!! Go have fun with him and leave the drama behind Smile

Colorado Girl's picture

and I think I'm always looking for the quick fix. I think I'm slowly progressing, you know? I only get pissed off at about half the things she does now. Wink

The girls do love their mother and half the time I stick up for BM, saying just that.."she loves you very much". I don't want to be that person that bad mouths their mom...even though I have to literally walk out of the room sometimes when they are explaining to us what BM has said about DH. Especially when he is the blame for how broke she is and she tells them that "your dad needs to pay for that". Why even involve them in your financial stresses?

Now I'm rambling. I know one day I will look back on all of this with a rolling of my eyes and be able to laugh at her. I can even do that now sometimes when she does certain of her usual things. My husband laughs at her all the time....but he's had 15 years of experience dealing with her. I just haven't found that place yet - but all of you are helping. Babysteps I guess.....

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."

Stepmom_C's picture

It's funny because at my worst my DH didn't understand why I changed on him. I'm a very strong personality due in part to my job. Not overly emotional on the surface and so on. When we dated I could somehow talk about BM some and laugh at her but her attack on me began after we married. He just didn't understand that he had 10 years of learning to "tune her out" because of her nasty mouth (FILTHY language around the kids)and that it did have an effect on me. I cried a lot and it was very difficult. We just have to go through it which is harder because we didn't pick the BM so it's harder to understand her attack on us. I grew up thinking if I was nice and did the right thing then people were overall nice.

Oh well. Practice does make perfect though! You'll find your way Smile

Persephone's picture

but in my case DH is more of the problem than BM. Oh yeah she has her issues, as do I . But I think that her I and I both have to deal with Dh' excessive ego. He takes on all the credit but none of the blame. He is a passive parent that undoes a whole lot.. he is Mr. Nice guy that makes excuses for the kids and doesn't make them perform.

I am in counseling and at times I think I no longer need to go and then wham reality check.. I could be a lifer!!! My therapist uses a whole life approach.. mind, body, and spirit.. so I may be with her for a looong time.

laurels4u's picture

In my situation, I also think my DH is 90% of the problem because he will not stand up to his ex, his parents, or his son.

I'm not saying BM isn't certifiably nuts, but DH should learn to say NO to her or quite simply tell her how things are or will be and then stick to it. For example, if DH's son is visiting with BM for the weekend and she decides she doesn't want to deal with him anymore, she makes Precious call my DH and arrange an early pickup. When she's ranting about wanting to see her son more, DH should say OK, I'll pack his suitcase and you can have him all you want rather than adding to the drama by fighting with her. Complete BS I tell you.

DH's parents forced our hand in negotiating a court order for visitation with Precious. It cost us $500 and it was a farce, nothing more than his parents trying to control what happens in our home. So when DH's mom doesn't want to follow the conditions she agreed on, DH won't make his mother adhere to the court order and he goes along with what they want.

Yep, I could go on and on about this one. No amount of counseling (which I indulge myself in), whole/organic foods, candles, spa treatments, luxurious vacations, red or white wine, or limitless shopping trips could ever change my mind about this one.

goingcrazy's picture

every time it is my turn in the couch of the therapist, I spend the afternoon saying, I dont need this crap... then after an hour with her, me crying, opening up conversations I didnt even know were manifesting... I feel so much better.

As for the BM issue. I am a BM and a custodial SM. I also have to deal with a SM for my biodaughter and BM for my stepdaughter (are you confused yet??) Basically I see it from all angles. And I think that the SM's here that blame crap on the BM can probably rightfully do so in some cases. The BM in my case IS the ROOT OF ALL EVIL (and BM.. if you are reading this, PLEASE let your attorney print it and try it out in court!!!). She is the one who refuses to step in between her parents doing their dirty stuff that we all are aware of and her daughter's safety. She is the one who cannot stay out of trouble and keeps ending up strung out and incarcerated. So when SD is lashing out, destoying our home, being hateful to me, getting in trouble at school... where does it all come from??? Yup, BM! So I can say that she is my main source. But then I have absolutely nothing bad to say about my daughter's SM, nor her about me. We get along great. So, it boils down to each individual situation. And since we are here to vent, then so do it. Blame the BM for everything if it makes you feel better. I for one have absolutely no problem with that!!!

PS- At the rate I'm going, I will be there right along with you on the life track

Catch22's picture

Kathleen, I think you are lovely so please don't get me wrong, I am not attacking you or disagreeing with you but I do want to say that I really don't see the point in a post thread like this?? Of course when you come here you are going to attack the BM and scream BITCH BITCH BITCH..reason?? Because you can and no one will atack you for it, at home there are kids and ex's and all sorts of drama to contend with if you say anything.

Not long ago someone wrote a thread titled 'why are women always the victim' she says: 'I'm not trying to upset anyone but why??'...well why even ask? Because we are hurting, because we get stood on, because, because??? I don't know, because it's a place to vent, not to be judged and scrutinised.. I know you were asking yourself this question as much as everyone else but I am sure we don't mean or even sometimes believe everything we vent, but at the end of the day it makes us feel better and thats what the wonderful step talk is all about.

Please don't take offense to anything I have said, I love your posts and I am not angry or venting at you, I just wanted you to see my way of thinking on the whole generalising things here...Hugs. Did I make sense..LOL.

Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*

Anonymous's picture

I think that most women on this forum who receive emotional support from their significant others complain less about stupid issues regarding the bm. When they do vent about her, its usually stepCHILD related.

The women who receive no support at home bitch more about how psycho and ugly and fat and lazy the bm is.

kathleen's picture

It is just where I was coming from last night and I got all the feedback I needed. Even yours. Thanks.

Frog44's picture

Well, I've been dealing with the ex for 11 years. It always seemed that the kids were held as a carrot in front of us, BM holding the stick and string it was tied to telling us to be good or we can't have the carrot. So we were. And it had it's benefits. We had the kids whenever we wanted, could take them where we wanted. But the minute we tried to say no to something, or couldn't pay for something, or couldn't take them for the weekend because we were both working 12 hour C-shifts, with only 24 hours off the entire weekend (to try to catch some sleep), the carrot was ripped away. My brother has an excellent analogy that describes her to a tee "She weilds her children as a sword and sheild before her." And I believe it was true. She used them to get what she thought she deserved and to get what she wanted, not only from us but from everyone around her.

OK - so I may have to go out on a limb here and say (much to my chagrin) that she is a good mom. Even though I do not agree with her parenting skills, she loves her children and was/is involved with their activities. However, I think that people looking in from the outside can see that there are alterior motives in a lot of the things she does. The kind of thing where she will move heaven and earth for one of the kids if people are watching, but if no one is, then it can wait until tomorrow.

I don't like the things that I see/hear of her doing. The only times (and there have been three) that my husband has raised his voice to me have been as a result of her twisting something that I've said in casual conversation. Then when she decides to calm down (about 30 minutes later because she realized, oh wait, if I don't let the kids go over there, I'M going to have them and there goes my party weekend), it's "Oh, I'm so sorry it really has nothing to do with you, I was upset." OK, so that gives you the right to call and speak to us anyway you choose? That gives you the right to treat me like a piece of crap, and tell hubby what a terrible father and person he is because we can't do what you tell us to? That gives you the right to intimidate, lie, and manipulate everyone around you - all because you were upset??? But now that it's inconvienent for you to have the kids, everything is hunky dorey and they can come over? I will never understand her, and don't think that I want to.

My husband does. He knows what she'll do when she'll do it, and how she'll do it. He's always right. The periods of peace and quiet are getting longer and longer now. It's heaven. Smile I know I'm not perfect, and my hubby isn't perfect, but neither is she. She wants to believe that she is supermom, and that's fine. Just don't try to lay the crap on us.

I complain about her, yes. But, she is the type of person that I wouldn't choose to be friends with. She can be nice, and funny, and would give you the shirt off her back. But don't cross her or she'll rip that shirt off and throw you down on the subway tracks and walk away like you never existed, faster then you can say "sorry." (She has done this to several people, and it wasn't pretty) Then there is the lying, manipulation, guilt, and all of the other traits that I don't like people to exhibit. There are conditions for everything - even her love. That's not the kind of person I would want voluntarily in my life. But, I have no choice and use this site as an outlet because, when I hold that stuff in, it really tears me up. It consumes me and I find myself wishing that a bridge abutment would throw itself in front of her. That's not healthy. (but it is fun to think about :evil: ) I like coming here and reading other posts about BMs and that helps to put the woman that I deal with in perspective. She could be a LOT worse. I don't blame EVERYTHING on her, just most of it. Smile

Candice's picture

almost to the t...the only difference is that our bm isn't a good mother, she isn't involved with her childrens' activities, and even yells at them for being overweight...apparently it's their fault she feeds them a poor diet and their wastelines show it.

The example of kids being held like a carrot in front of dad with bm pulling the strings is the perfect description of our bm. Then only being nice when it benefits bm is exactly how our bm behaves.

I personally don't think that I'm blaming her for things that don't exist, or for things that aren't her fault. She is just one constant train wreck after another, and her unwillingness to get her act together is a problem for everyone involved with the kids, and she is horribly unfair to her own children, and they pay a huge amount for her own selfishness.


Colorado Girl's picture

My BM holds that carrot as well. Everything she does is in HER best interest. So are they able to ever get past their own nose and realize they can't handle what they've fought so hard for? I just wonder if these "train wrecks" know they are bad mothers and ever come to the realization that it would be better if they would just hand over the responsiblity to someone who can actually handle it...

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."

Frog44's picture

And give up the money and power they have built up over the years???? Their children have become precious pawns that can be used to attain control over DH. The only thing good that has come out of her behavior is that her children now see what she does and has been doing to their father. (and to them in one form or another) Now we have one living with us, and another will soon be moving in. Of course in her mind it will NEVER work and they will be moving back with her just as soon as the kids wake up from la la land and realize that mommy was right!! (A HA!!) And Daddy really is a deadbeat.

What a shame when it doesn't happen - I guess we all have to have some sort of dream - no matter how crazy.

lmdavi0's picture

seriously. one time when we pulled up to our dropoff point, all the programmed radio stations in my car got scrambled. lol.
i agree with most of you in that my drama is bb related. i have always tried to be kind to bb and i have ALWAYS loved sd openly and completely, but i guess this is like shooting myself in the foot with bb. she HATES that i am this way, when in essence if i were a bitch, she would hate that as well. i cannot make bb happy and i am done trying. she is the most evil person i have ever met and even though i know she is a victim of her childhood, i have no sympathy for someone who can't take the hint after nearly 10 years. if i didn't have this site to vent and your girls to listen and cheer me up, i think i would be fitted with a snug white jacket by now...
thank you all!
down with satan!!!!!

always forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them so much.

sunshine's picture

Okay so Im new to this site,, but I will say this...I came here for two weeks before I posted myself..For years I have been confiding into friends and family,, those who know me well...talked to them about each situation and my feelings.. Sometimes, I would fell like they really didnt know my place or I was overwhelming them because my life isnt great. A blended family is HARD..its the hardest thing I have ever done.. and if you arent in that position, how can you truly offer good advice. And sometims friends and family will tell you what you want to hear.

After spending time here,, I felt a connection to alot of the post. I even smiled... For once I wasnt alone...Now I know my SD's BM isnt around much due to her bipolar but when she is she calls at 6:00 in the morning, alot of random things. But my mother-n-law is terrible..she is as bad as most BM.. But i can see its not always about the BM,, it is about the Skids, our DH and daily drama that brings each of us here.

Last week, I was ready for counseling,,,This site alone has helped me..Im not saying I dont need counseling or my family but me personally as a BM and SM,, I needed this, I need to vent to others that feel and expereince my pain...I get along fine with my EX and we discuss all matters with our daughter. My DH accepts that fine...But women are different.I think.

Anne 8102's picture

First, I definitely think you hear more BM bashing here because this IS where stepparents come to vent. I think most of us, uh, "grown ups" who post here would agree that there are many sides and facets to step-life and sometimes it's a clash of personalities and beliefs. Sometimes the BM actually IS a bitch. Sometimes, so am I. Sometimes neither side handles a situation very well. A lot of the problems we've had I definitely blame my husband for, because sometimes his way of dealing with BM makes things worse. And of course, my mere existence in the early years was apparently "to blame" for many of BM's attacks on DH. I think it is what is is and the people involved - BM, DH, SF, SM - are who they are.

~ Anne ~
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