jstorie's Blog
So those who have kept up with my blog, my step daughter got kicked out of her aunts house. She stole and lied and manipulated all like she does at home. My husbands father died last week and so its all really really bad timing.
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stresses of being both a bm and a sm
If you read my earlier blogs you know they are trying to press charges on me for neglect of only the SD. I finally feel a little better about this and what happens....
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DHS REALLY????????
So I get home yesterday and check the mail. Theres a letter for me and a letter for my DH from DHS. We were expecting these letters last time we spoke with DHS they told us they would send out the ending letter from the investigation saying that it was over. This was for child abuse against both of us. I open my letter and it says. I AM GUILTY OF NEGLECT! open eric letter it says we inform you that ...myname... is guilty of neglect against...sd name....
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my problem is not bm it is SO!
So my SD14 is now living in Tenessee with my SO aunt. He says I'll never be happy. When shes here and we are fighting im not happy and now that she is away i'm not happy either. I do miss her. Yes, she has lied on me, stolen from me and made nearly everyday intolerable from me...i still miss her. I am angry that she can't do a single thing here but anywhere else shes great. I do know her "honey moon faze" isn't over. So SO says i need counsling so when she comes home in july for a few days im not a bitch to her...
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So my husband picks me up from work yesterday and he has already picked up our bsons. My two year old says sissy...as he is missing his sissy. My four year old says Its because mommy didn't like her. i heard you yell at her all the time. do u know what my dh said? NOTHING!
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SO would like me to do counsling now.
Okay, so now that my sd is living with her aunt in tenessee we have found out i am beyond angry with her. if you read my last one you know that she has been awful here at home with us and BM is still in jail. So she is comming home for july fourth. i had taken some vacation days from work so maybe we could do something fun, but now I am just going to work. I don't want to be around her that much... the bitch inside me comes out and its easier for me to hide the less im around her. So he says maybe you should go to her counsler.deal with some of the issues! YOU ARE SO RIGHT SO.
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So I am a step mother to a 14 year old girl. She had been diagnosed bipolar and adhd. She has been in the hospital every summer for four years. this time she went to dhs and said i was abusive that i choke her all the time. she then decided to start cutting up her legs. she went to the hospital again this time only for a month. she screams and yells and pushes me. when she came back from the hospital she was the same go figure. so i told my husband me or her. yeah a bitch move on me. so he sent her to the live with her aunt far away. That should make me happy right?
- Read more about Anger
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