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iwasindenial's Blog

O/T - "Tubes Tied" ??

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Need some input please.

I have this condition on my legs that I have been to several different doctors about and I have been also told from my rheum that I am to get off birth control pills and come back for more testing in the fall. My gyno is recommending I get the pills also, and his recommendation was a tubal ligation.

O/T - Tax Question

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When you have a child that is off the parenting plan (over 18 but a college student), do you still follow the parenting plan as to who gets the tax exemption, or does that agreement end when they age out of the parenting plan?

Preparing mentally for Christmas visitation....

iwasindenial's picture

#1 - I know I have it easier than a lot of you because I do not have my skid with us very often (3x a year) because of the distance, but it still upsets the household. I know I probably shouldn’t complain since its “just a month” or “just two weeks”, but when our day-to-day lives don’t include a rude 10 year old, it makes it hard to adjust, it upsets the household and while she is here I have all the same problems you all have (won’t eat my food, won’t take care of her personal hygiene, the passive aggressive disrespect of me, ignoring me).