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ihateholidays's Blog

This one is about my Disney ex, and my bios' SM

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I made my bios text her a Happy Mother's Day. I know how it feels to be ignored by skids...

I feel bad for her. My ex is such a Disney dad, and my daughter takes such advantage. I would hate to be the SM to my bios. My ex will not enforce any parenting rules - he doesn't want to be the bad guy ever, so as the teenagers they are, they just ignore all the rules that she tries to lay down. It must suck. 

I have done all the hard parenting work of my bios their entire lives- all discipline, all re-inforcement. I just do it all because someone has to. 

I got an unexpected gift tonight!

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If you are following my story, you know that I'm in the middle of leaving. I am counting down the days that I have to live with the skids. They go to BM's on Sunday night, and I knew that tomorrow is Mother's Day, so I figured they would go earlier in the day. I went out for the evening tonight, and got home, bracing myself for the last weekend night/day that I would have to spend with them, and guess what?? They were gone!!!!!! I was so happy. I guess they went to sleep at BM's tonight!!!! No more weekend days with them! 

Waiting to hear about the apartment...

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Waiting to hear - I turned in my credit check application, and I KNOW I have awesome credit, so that should go ok. I don't have the best income, but if they have a problem, I'm going to offer to pay 6 months rent up front, since I have that in savings. I want to start donating everything and getting rid of everything! I am so nervous and impatient. 

I give up - need a little support here

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Hi, I want to thank all of you for the insight and perspective I have gotten reading this site over the past year. I came here when my fairy-tale relationship started to go south, even though I tried and tried and cried and yelled and pleaded. I needed to hear from other people who were going through the same thing, and it has really helped. 

My DF basically doesn't parent

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It's 10:30 at night and he has gone to bed, without putting his kids to bed, and they are still up and demanding attention from me . This is a nightly occurrence. My bios are not here this weekend so this is my time off and I am not parenting kids that I'm not allowed to discipline or even correct at all. He has locked the bedroom door from the inside and they are pounding on it. I'm getting sick of this. I need stability for my bios, so I'm not leaving for another year or so, but I'm losing respect for this man. I am SO glad we didn't get married right away like he wanted to.

Just a vent - SS and activities

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My SS13 has various issues - possibly Asperger's, possibly ADD, possibly other stuff, but neither parent wants to do anything about it (classes, therapy etc.) and more importantly, neither parent accepts it. They both - DF and the BM - swing between denying there is anything "wrong", and being frustrated, angry, and disappointed in him.

He has an IEP, and has had multiple types of testing done, but it's one of those cases where it's hard to pinpoint exactly what is up. So they have this idea that he's going to "grow out of it" which is just not going to happen.

Surrounded by Disney Dads

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I'm beginning to realize that both my ex and my DH are Disney dads. The kids BM is also a (neglectful) Disney mom. It's really frustrating, and I feel like I'm the only one in the equation who is doing any actual parenting.

My ex is a full-on Disney Dad to my BD - she is a handful, and he just caves and gives her anything she wants. He pretty much ignores my BS, so I am forced to be the bad guy, the motivator, and the only one who sets and applies consequences, and I do it all, not for him, but because I want my kids to grow up to become functioning, decent adults.