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Update-It’s been a while

hregal2011's picture

Hey all. It's been a while since I last posted-but to be honest it's been pretty good.  My SD17 hasn't been here since June.  She still refuses to come over and she hasn't talked to hubby at all.  A text now and again-a reply when hubby tells her he loves her.  It is still up in the air as to if she will graduate this year but she will more than likely graduate-the high school here gives all kids 100chancee to hand 'something' in.

Hubby is 'ok'.  He is mad at the situation.  I had disengaged last year around this time so honestly I'm staying out of the dad/sd17 drama.  I always want to help-but I can't this time.  They need to work this out themselves.  
It's difficult-the balance of the issues.  I'm glad I don't feel like I have to walk in eggshells anymore-but at the same time it weighs on us at times.  To be expected I suppose. Xmas is coming and I'm not getting her anything-simply because she won't come here so what's the point.  Hubby might get her something-he said he will wrap it and put it in her room it can packed with her stuff some day.  BM certainly doesn't help.  She never updates on anything.  I know SDis 17 and can let hubby know instead of BM but this is how's it's been since the kid was like 10...

well-that's all I got for now.  We will see what happens. Hope everyone enjoys the holidays.



Lady.Tremaine's picture

Sorry for everything you go are going through. You seem to be handling this well and keep the disengage button pressed hard.

Shieldmaiden's picture

Its hard when you don't know what to expect. Hang in there. Hopefully no more unexpected drama from SD17. 

CLove's picture

This is always a power play - these kids are too young to know the repercussions of their actions. When they lock out the bio father, they dont understand what they are doing. But theres nothing YOU can do and certainly only your DH can do something. It sounds like he is trying, but legally he should have visitation.

Rags's picture

have a choice.

DH needs to smack BM with a contempt motion in court each time she fails to deliver SD per the CO'd visitation schedule.  See how SD likes hearing from mommy about her ass chewing in court. Even if she does not get he rass chewed, it will be a huge inconvenience for BM which very well result in BM chewing SD's ass since.....  it is the court dealing with the BM side of things failing to adhere to the CO.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

For another year anyway.

After that, what SD-17 chooses to do really does not matter. Daddy may have hurt feelings, but.... living the results of failed parenting is the lot in continuing life for failed parents.

Even after their poorly parented failed family progeny progress into supposed adulthood.
