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O/T Older Fur Baby Having Health Problems

thinkthrice's picture

Female 19 yr old Frost/Lilac point siamese (apple shaped head).  She normally begs at dinner but hasnt in the last two days.  She has been meowing very loudly as though in pain.  She refused wet food (totally out of character) and just sits in the room where the litter box is.   She has been refusing water from her fountain but she drank a little from a saucer.  She also looks a bit wobbly and listless.

She recently had an absessed tooth which seemed to heal nicely and she had an anti biotic shot.   I'm guessing she is dehydrated.  Will be off to the vets tomorrow a.m.  I'm thinking kidney issue.


SteppedOut's picture

Oh no. I am so sorry. It's so difficult when they get sick, especially cats. 

I pray your visit to the vet is helpful and ms. kitty gets to feeling better. 

bananaseedo's picture

Oh no!  So sorry. 19 is a beautiful long lived age.  Cats are so stoic they don't tell you anything until it's really bad.  Could be at this age kidney.  Is she on any supplements?  My cat is about 14 now and showing some signs of discomfort-I have him on joint support stuff which does seem to help, but honestly I think it's time for labs now just to see if anything is out of whack.  I really hope they can identify things for her quickly, labs will tell a lot.  Really hoping for a good outcome.  No matter their age it's so hard when they get old :(   Keep us posted!

Dawn-Moderator's picture

My 15 yr old cat had the same kind of symptoms at Christmas.  The vet injected fluids under her skin and she is now on a special diet for kidney issues and benazapril.  She now has more energy that she has had in awhile.


disrestep's picture

I am so very sorry your baby is suffering. 

having recently lost a 19 year old cat to complications from kidney disease, I can tell you that loud meowing out of character, not eating and stiffness is a very good indicator your baby is in some major pain and/or discomfort which sounds like a medical emergency and needs to be assessed right away.

An absessed tooth that is not removed and given antibiotics for should be relooked at by a veterinarian and followed up on to ensure the infection has not spread. My baby had an abscess in the front right canine at 18 years old and it was removed with a mild sedative at an animal hospital and he was given antibiotics to prevent further infection. He recovered nicely, even considering he had kidney disease.

please, if you can get a vet to your home right away sooner than taking kitty to a vet, sorry, but it all sounds like an emergency and since they cannot tell us how they feel in human words, kitty is telling you she is not well at all. Considering her age and symptoms an emergency trip to an animal hospital is needed.

i do hope she pulls through and all is well.

God bless you and your fur baby.

thinkthrice's picture

and is now at the vets being examined. She was quite dehydrated so they are re-hydrating her now.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

I hope things with the vet end up positive!!!

It could be something way simple that's just causing her to feel off!!!!