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I went through her room and he freaked..

hregal2011's picture

So my SD16 hasn't been to our home in 2 months.  She has a new bank accounts and a phone that BM gives her and no one even tells us..we found out on our own.  She hasn't even given us her new number.  Her room stinks here ..hasn't cleaned it in about 6 months.  I went in to open the window and air it out when I decided to clean a bit.  A bit turned into a lot and I put her clothes and stuff in bags to bring to her moms since school is starting soon and I'm pretty sure all the shoes she owns are here.  Did I mention she is a borderline hoarder? Has stuff unopened or unused from childhood and keeps stacks of stuff all on the perimeter of her room.  She won't clean so it all has dust and cobwebs covering them.  I went through and got rid of the stuff she doesn't touch, cleaned and packed stuff I knew she would want to go to her moms (taking care not to through sentimental stuff away) Well, DH got home and apparently freaked and took ALL items (even ones in trash) and put them back in her room.  I was washing her bed stuff because the room is still hers to use when she comes over/if she comes over, and she could just bring some clothes since she prefers it there?..and her room is becoming a biohazard.  But no.  He moved it all and wouldn't talk to me this AM about it.  He was going to work and didn't want to argue and go to work mad-so he just didn't talk.  I told him my reasons I did that and he just nodded his head.. that's it 

Apparently if I had any question of where I stand in the house hierarchy it has now been answered.  I am not at top..that's for sure.  
I get it. It hurts and it sucks that SD wants nothing to do with us but why keep the place trashed and full of junk?  Not to mention her bed was filled with snack/candy wrappers and I found Another phone she was hiding.  I just feel like giving up.  I also know a lot of this deals with DH needing to get with the picture, shit or get off the pot.  You want her here on weekends? Eff'n tell her she is coming or go do something together.  I don't know.  I'm so frustrated..


strugglingSM's picture

The fact that he won't allow her room to be cleaned is a problem. Parents insist that a child's room be cleaned, so why should it be any different because you are not her parent. His anger should be directed at her or BM, not at you. 

ESMOD's picture

I don't know that it's the cleaning that was the problem.. or the fact that he saw her belongings bagged up.. and things thrown away.

I get the hygiene cleaning thing.. but it would have been better to have her dad address the "hoards" of "stuff".. and not make it seem like you were stripping her room of all her stuff.

He may have seen it as deeper than just "cleaning"

strugglingSM's picture

I could see that and honestly, the conversation in our house would have been how it's DH's responsibly to make sure the rooms are clean if he doesn't want to ask skids to do it, which is how things go now. I think if he's not willing to do that, though, he has to accept that OP might not want to let a pig sty rot in her house for no reason. 

hregal2011's picture

I have multiple discussions about this..the room thing. DH would tell her to clean it and she literally hides trash and smelly things IN other areas where you can't see it by walking by (stacks things on the wall/periphery) ...out of sight at least but the Stink wanders and at one point our other children were keeping their doors Shut because it made the whol upstairs stink.  I get that it seems like more than a deep cleaning but I've said to him before, if she doesn't clean it -I will and she won't like how I do it ..I don't know.  I've put everything back.  I've lost.  Going 

ESMOD's picture

I don't have an issue with her cleaning the bio hazard at all.. I'm saying that him coming home to her stuff bagged.. and other stuff designated for the trash bin.. not just that she cleaned.. but it looked like an "eviction".  THAT is what he had the issue with.

Now.. YES.. he should have been on his kid to keep the room sanitary and orderly... and it should NOT have been up to SM to have to go clean the pig sty.. but if he wouldn't do it.. and wouldn't make his kid do it.. then SM did clean because it needed to be done.

But the bagging up of her belongings.. because school.. and throwing things away that may or may not have been as easily classified as trash just because SM thought she had too much stuff.. I think those statements were probably more tinged with the fact that he knows that she has issues with his daughter.. and that the intent wasn't totally "innocent" and not totally "sanitation" reasons.. she is angry at the girl.. she is angry her mom got her a phone.. she is angry mom got her a bank account. he likely saw this "necessary cleanup" as having motives beyond sanitation.. and not 100% saying she doesn't have some reason to not be happy with the girl.. but it's not being totally honest with her husband to claim it's just because the room was smelly.. 

hregal2011's picture

I wish I had took pictures.  You would see that it was a 'necessary' pick up.  I talked to my husband today and he did feel like I was trying to evict her..and the stuff I tossed WAS tossible but he got emotional when he saw it and freaked.  Stuff in room=hope she will come back to him.  Am I upset about the phone and bank thing-I'm disappointed but not mad.  I'm disappointed at the fact that after 10+ years, that SD is still manipulating BM and BM is still falling for it and won't communicate.  I'm even more upset that it's destroying my husband emotionally.  
The timing was simply because I do Mass cleaning of my house on sundays so I went at it.  Trust me, if I wanted to be 'mad and angry' and do it out of spite-I wouldn't go through and pick out the things she liked/needed or meant anything.  I'd trash it all. Did I want to?! YEP but I have a little more class then that-despite the alterior motives you suggest lol

ESMOD's picture

The thing is.. that I'm not telling you it's not ok to be upset about those things.. it is.

But your mental state did end up coloring how it happened.. not only in how it happened.. but how it was percieved.

It's his daughter.. asking his opinion on what he thought about you packing things for her to take to mom's for school.. a heads up that "hey.. you and she never got the room cleaned.. I'm going to take a stab at it today".. he was blindsided.

And.. the connotation of seeing her things in TRASH bags.. vs putting it in some less visually representative of your feelings about her and her things?  you may not have consciously said.. SD is trash.. i'm gonna put her stuff in a trash bag..  but your husband got that visceral reaction from seeing that and it's likely your feelings towards her colored the way you handled her stuff.  

Again.. not blaming you for the frustration.. but you see your DH did get the exact same idea about what he was seeing.. and THAT was his issue.. not so much that you put effort into cleaning her space (which sounded like it needed it yikes).

hregal2011's picture

I honestly never thought that use of trash bags would make him feel upset. Perhaps there is something there.  I used the bags (duffle bags and such) that she had but she had So Much, I could really see no other way to pack them.  General consensus is I should have communicated better-I get that.  And I feel bad that hubby was that upset, I guess despite his complaining and Him giving away the truck she was going use-I should have said something and not assumed.  You know what they say about people that assume lol..

ESMOD's picture

Yeah.. I know the saying haha.

I don't think you set out to upset him.. but I think frustration over her and the situation made you feel you needed to do it to help you get past the irritation of that mess being a constant reminder of the f'ed up situation.

But a "hey.. just wanted to let you know. I need to get into SD's room to clean up.. it is out of control.. and with school starting she will need some of those clothes.. so I'm going to get those together so she can take them back to her moms"  


advice.only2's picture

Personally I would have waited a few more months and then boxed it all up (trash included) and labeled it and put it in the garage. When Spawn moved out and never came back I waited until after the new year (about 6 months) then I went in and boxed it all up (trash, wads of hair, used tampons and pads, poopy underwear, rotted food stuffed in bags) and put it all out in the garage.  DH was also upset with me when I cleaned out the room, but as I told him it’s all boxed up so should Spawn return she can put back everything where she wants it.  It was another six months before Spawn reached out to DH to collect her items. 

Thumper's picture

Ummm nope.

Doesn't work like that dh.

Sorry he did this to you. It's wrong.







CLove's picture

You are the designated scape goat whipping post because you are "safe".

If you dont touch her room, she might just come back.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

When SDdnow23 Feral Forger was 18 and graduated high school, she ghosted us, and moved somewhere else without discussion. 7 months I waited, as her funky trashed room got smellier and smellier. One day, Husband said "oh Im going to do a dump run, can I take anything?" And so with HIS blessing, because even though its BOTH our homes, he needed to bless it, I along with SDnow16 then 11 cleared and cleaned for hours. Dressers, chairs, 6 plus bags trash, some 3 bags donate and 3 bins storage of her crap. It was so so gross. He did nothing except take out queen bed. But I made it MINe.

Shes mad still and so freaking what.

Sometimes you have to fight for your top tier position.

ndc's picture

Your husband is being ridiculous.  You deserve to live in a clean home that does not have a room that smells.  If your SD didn't clean it, and your DH didn't clean it, then you are entitled to clean it so that you do not have a home that smells and is filled with trash, cobwebs and dirt.

I don't think you should let any of this go.  Your husband isn't the one who should be mad (at you, at least), but YOU should be very annoyed with him for undoing the work you did.  You weren't being malicious; on the contrary, you were packing up things that she likely needs, as well as doing both SD and DH the favor of taking care of the biohazard room.  Tell him that the trash needs to go and that what is staying needs to be put away and kept neat and clean.  If he doesn't want you do do it, and SD isn't around, then he needs to do it and keep up with it.  If he and SD don't want you in her room, then they need to make sure you have no reason to go in there.

I would also let him know that his actions made you feel second best, which isn't where a wife should be. He should be aware that you are not a punching bag or a scapegoat and that the way he handled this was unacceptable.

Cover1W's picture

YSDs room was in a similar state, with rotting food in it when she left. I knew DH would freak out if I went in there and just did my clean up thing. He encouraged her to use trash bags of her stuff from the garage when I did clean-outs formerly instead of making her go through the stuff and make actual decisions about keep/toss/donate. 

So when I saw it was clear she was gone I made sure to get rid of all the rotting food and stuff that could mold. THAT'S it. DH had to be the one to decide to clean the room. I mean, our dresser broke and we needed another one and he would NOT agree to bring hers upstairs for us even though it was pretty much empty (just trash) because she might use it someday (even though she only put trash in it). So I took his cue.

He was actually really upset when we did clean it. It was very filthly and he found gifts he had given her broken or just tossed in a pile. He saw the state of her bedsheets (thrown away, unsalvagable) and realized yes, she had been sleeping on them. It was gross. He felt better after it was cleaned and he is 100% ok with the room re-do that we did on it (my office/guest room). But he had to lead it and I had to be patient.

He should however listed to you and have a rational discussion as an adult in the house, your house too. 

Ispofacto's picture

Sounds like he's dealing with some grief/trauma.

After I kicked Killjoy out, it took over a year before I could clean her bathroom.  I tried to go in there several times, but I couldn't breathe, and it wasn't because of any smell.  I felt like my brain was melting.

It's been almost three years, and I'm still struggling.


AlmostGone834's picture

Luckily my husband was even more freaked out by having anything out of order in Little Idiot's old room than I was. (He has some OCD traits) So I think that overcame any grief he had when I cleaned out the few things she left behind. 

thinkthrice's picture

Unfortunately,  OP has tread upon "the shrine."   Fortunately Chef, although not a neat freak by any means AND quite disorganized, can't stand unkempt bedrooms. 

The HousesHitter (YSS) had spilt all sorts of food and drink in "his" room (although I suggested to Chef that eating and drinking in one's bedroom isn't a good idea) and it attracted ants.  I finally started selling/ditching the toys and clothing one by one approx 9 mos after the feral had PASed out for good.   Most were new/untouched and never even used since the HousesHitter was NeVeR satisfied as a severely spoiled and parented by guilt child (as were the older two but HousesHitter was the WORST of them all!)

We have been shrine-free for about eight years now.  I Dorian Greyed all their photos and half assed gifts/momentos up in the 2nd story of the garage.

Winterglow's picture

How on EARTH did your husband let the filth in his daughter's room pile up so high that the stench was making people gag when walking past her door?

If there ever is a next time, OP, have it cleaned by professionals and let your husband pay the bill.

hregal2011's picture

No idea. She has always been a kid that keeps Everything..even non used items.  She is also a kid that unfortunately can't wipe her own butt and has crap smeared in most clithes and refuses to shower..a build up of that Stinks.  We have to Make her shower to's not that we don't want to do the work but micromanaging her is worse then a toddler-honestly. "It's time to shower, it's time to eat, did you wipe good enough? Clean your room, brush your teeth, do your chore...' and the list goes on..I've clean her room as a kid to remove unused/unwanted things (shit covered underwear)and I really see this as not much difference.  I admit I should have perhaps discussed it first? But he had already taken back the truck he was holding for her and I was washing her bed stuff so if she did decide to come over that would be intact/clean to use...It's all back though, and he is 'having a talk' with her Friday.  He doesn't want to tell her I did it because she hates me already (for no reason) he is going to claim it was him.  I argued he Not do that but he insists.  

Cover1W's picture

...It's all back though, and he is 'having a talk' with her Friday...

Do you mean he put it all back? Even filthy items? When I did this (2x) with OSDs room I have three warnings within a month and told them if it wasn't decently cleaned up by a certain date I was going to do so my way. That way they couldn't complain. I also made it clear what the difference was between filthy and messy. Messy would have been ok. If you can't talk with your SD then DH would be the one to level with. My OSD also didn't bathe often enough nor brush her teeth. She would have yelling matches with DH about it (she grew up not having a bathing routine and God forbid I tried starting one).

Winterglow's picture

I agree that he shouldn't lie about whodunnit. Did he really put the filth back too? What is the point in having a talk if he can't be straight with her? 

hregal2011's picture

He took every item out of my car (the things I packed for her) and every trash item out of the dumpster and placed all bags in her room.  I unpacked it and 'put it back'...nothing was broken just the dirty was still Dirty. I omitted the one bag of straight up trash and threw that away (again).  I think this talk is going to be 'come to Jesus talk', he told me she will likely not like him after this (she hates honesty). I am more than willing to take the blame on this-it's my doing, but DH says our relationship is so broken he doesn't want her to have more reason to hate me-that she would be more understanding if it were him.  I dunno

Winterglow's picture

Before he sits down with her, I hope that he understands that, if he'd been doing his job as a parent, her room would never have been allowed to reach this state and this situation would never have arisen. Has he thought through what kind of consequences he's going to give in the future? Or is he just going to continue to talk to her?

hregal2011's picture

I expressed to him that I did recognize that he 'told her' to clean her room.  But there was no follow up to make sure the tasks are done.  I told him this and previously I said 'if I have to clean her room-she isn't going to like how I did it'.  Not trying to clean and be spiteful but my house is clean except for that room.  When I reminded him of the church hole follow up hung, he just sighed and said ya-he gets it.  I also try to temper myself because as much as I love DH..he has major ADD.  He has routines he does Daily and if he can't follow through with them-he is lost and angry for the day.  She has the same thing but when we discussed ways to help her form routines and remember things-she revolted and became lazier.  Ugh..

missgingersnap2021's picture

Well I made sure from day one what the house rules were (that SD keep her room neat) and luckily DH is almost an OCD neat freak as me so that area has never been a  huge issue for us but I can tell that what works for me is to do things a little at a time and subltly. If you had just removed a few things (especialy trash) not in fornt of him he probably wouldnt have even noticed. And I do agree with Clove that these men use us as the scapegoat. Hes upset with with daughter but takes it out on you. 


Dogmom1321's picture

Yep, I was going to say the same! Seems like DH is angry and in denial that he doesn't have a relationship with his daughter. Literally holding on to trash isn't going to fix it... and also taking out his frustrations he has with his daughter out on you. Not okay. 

SD used to have a designated playroom, separate from her bedroom, when she was younger. The toys sat in there and collected dust since all SD did was play on the iPad. I told DH I was going to turn it into an exercise room since SD didn't use it anymore. I had a problem with that a space wasn't being used efficiently. If I were you, I would be pissed that an empty room is sitting there left unused because DH wants to have a shrine. I pay half the bills so I wasn't going to let DH tell me the "playroom" was off limits when not being used. 

A bedroom not being used for 6 months? And not even being "allowed" to clean at that? There is no way you could even try to utilize it as a guest room even if you wanted under these circumstances with DH. UGH, I'm mad for you. 

Shieldmaiden's picture

I had the same thing happen with my oldest SD, who is now 21.  She told her dad to leave me, after 8 years together, because she wanted her parents to get back together. He said no,  so she refused to come over anymore, and left her room as it was. After a year of her sisters sharing a small room, while her room remained a shrine - I decided to clean it out and offer it to one of her sisters. I threw away the trash and kept all her mementos in a box in the garage. She took 5 years to come get it, so obviously it didn't mean that much to her. 

When her sisters were offered the room, they declined. DH wasn't happy but didn't say anything. I think they all wanted SD to magically reappear, and refused to accept that she wasn't coming back. I was so tempted to toss her crap when we moved a second time, and had to carry it with us from house to house. Ugh. Dh's are so clueless sometimes about their gross spawn. You have every right to clean her room, as its in YOUR HOME. 

Survivingstephell's picture

Your mistake was not including him in the clean up or at minimum giving him a choice to participate in it.  Now that it's clean insist on him keeping it that way.  No if and or buts, it's stays clean. When it started to affect the rest of the house, that's when he lost the arguement IMO.  Men can have high levels of tolerance for filth.  

hregal2011's picture

I agree. There should have been communication but he is gone 12h/day working and All the house stuff is me.  I clean like it's my job (6person family) and the kids laugh and say if they were too still-I'd probably throw them away as well.  I denounce clutter..and stink is another level of eww.  I guess it was just easier because I'm not as emotionally involved.